2025 — Ripon, CA/US

Welcome to YFL 5 at Ripon High! We are so glad to have you all join us for another tournament this season! As our tournament occurs, please keep a few things in mind as your team registers to compete:

-Double entry in both extemporaneous events is NOT allowed

-Double entry with Duo Interp is only permitted with LD, PF, and Parli

-Students may enter in a maximum of three events in the Speech pattern.

-Double entry in more than 1 Debate event is NOT permitted

-If you are entered in Policy Debate, you are limited to enter in 1 Speech event.

-There must be a coach on site during the entirety of the tournament!


Students will reside in the cafeteria for the duration of the tournament. Judges/coaches will be in the library.

A school map is attached for reference.

Stay in communication with our Remind by texting the following codes to "81010":

Judges - @yflj

Competitors - @yflspeech