Foster Summer Creek Back to School TFA Swing

2024 — Richmond, TX/US

Foster-Summer Creek TFA Back-to-School Swing 2024


We are glad to invite you to kick off your TFA Speech & Debate season with us at the Foster-Summer Creek Swing! Join us for a great weekend of competition, seeing familiar faces, and hopefully taking home some TFA points!


All events will be held in person on the Foster HS campus.

This year we will be offering all TFA qualifying events as well as Prose, Poetry, & Impromptu Speaking.

Students may enter into three IE events per section but are doing so at their own risk.

We will be swinging all IEs and Congressional Debate! We will not be swinging the debate events.

Tons of important information can be found on the "Important Tournament Information" page on the right. Please make sure that you take the time to read through it.

Just a heads up, Foster & Summer Creek students will be competing in both sides of our tournament, including elimination rounds.

If you are interested in being hired as a judge for our tournament, please fill out this form:

For more information on judging and judging requirements for entries, please visit the "Judging Information" page on the right-hand side of Tabroom.

Feel free to reach out with any questions and we cannot wait to see you for another great year!

Branson L. Cobb & Rahmane Dixon