Debbie Johnson MS HS Novice Tournament
2024 — Austin, TX/US
Howdy All,
We started hosting a novice end of the year competition several years ago. Then we expanded and invited everyone from RRISD. Then a few year later we invited the country in the virtual world. This year we bring it back to anyone who would like to come to Westwood in Austin TX.
You will notice that there is a $6 per student charge. This is not a real charge. We are collecting this money to pay for pizza and drinks for all student during lunch. If your student would rather visit one of the local establishments during the lunch break that is totally ok with us. Just let us know when you arrive so we can adjust the order.
This tournament is open to anyone finishing up their first year of competition. We have novice debater draft varsity debaters to become their coaches. You can use whatever structure you would like.
We are also hosting PF for Middle School for our district middle schoolers. If you have middle school kiddos we welcome you in that event as well. They will be using the same topic.
- Full disclosure before the tournament. You can find a spreadsheet here. We ask that all teams disclose as quickly as possible. We require disclosure by Wednesday noon the week of the tournament. In PF specifically we expect all team to have cards to back up evidence not simply whole PDF of articles.
- Cover your judge obligations with your varsity students. If you have more novices than varsity members reach out. I am sure we can help resolve that issue for you.
If you have questions reach out - the goal is good solid competition and fun for our newbies.
DH Henderson