NYCUDL Open League Championship Tournament

2024 — New York, NY/US

Hello NYCUDL Community,

The NYCUDL invite you, your students, and judges to attend the NYCUDL’s Championship Tournament!

The Tournament will be LIVE at MIDWOOD HIGH SCHOOL in Brooklyn.

The resolutions are as follows.

Public Forum:

League topic: Resolved: The United States federal government should adopt a carbon tax.

NSDA topic: Resolved: The United Nations should abolish permanent membership on its Security Council.

We offer the following divisions:

HS PF Novice (League and National topics)
HS PF Junior Varsity (League and National topics)
HS PF Varsity (League and National topics)

MS PF Novice
MS PF Junior Varsity
MS PF Varsity

MS Parli Novice
MS Parli Junior Varsity
MS Parli Varsity

Division Qualifications:

Novice: Debaters entering their first year of debate or have debated less than 6 rounds previously.

Junior Varsity: Debaters entering their second year of debate.

Varsity: Debaters who are entering their third or more year of debate.

To enter this tournament, your school must be a member of the NYCUDL. All requirements and fees can be found at our website. We require that an adult coach or sponsor complete the paperwork and function as the primary contact for the team and the league.

Schedule: Tentative Schedule for the day (subject to change).

Judging: Our judging obligation is one judge for every two teams. This is within division. If you have 3 novice PF teams and 1 advanced team, you will need 3 judges. High school students may judge MS debate. Adults that have graduated from high school may judge high school debate. The judges you bring are required to be available to judge in every round of the tournament.

The NYCUDL has a small pool of judges that we will hire out to schools. This pool is not large and is first come-first serve. If you are requesting judging from the NYCUDL, you must email with your request. If you enter your request on tabroom, you must still email Emily or your request will not be considered complete.

Upon school entry, all teams will be placed on a waitlist. In order to be removed from the waitlist, the following criteria must be met.

•Your school must be a league member with completed paperwork.

•Students must have completed permission slips.

•Your judging obligation just be met.

•You must have an adult that will be present the day of the tournament.

•Your students must be linked on

•You must have qualified for champs or be an at large entry.

Note on Judge Obligations:

Due to tight judging counts, we need judges to fulfill this obligation to ensure we have enough qualified and engaged judges for all debates!

  • Judges are obligated to remain at the tournament to judge one round AFTER your team is eliminated even if your division has concluded.

    • For example, If your team was debating in the High School Novice Nationals (HSNN) Finals, you must judge the next debate because you are still obligated to judge one additional debate in another division at that level (i.e. high school league novice).

Failure to meet all judging obligations for elimination rounds will result in your team being disqualified from the elimination rounds AND a $200 fine.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your outreach coordinator.