The U Invitational NIETOC BID
2024 — Greeley, CO/US
The U Invitational Hosted by University Schools
Coaches and Students,
You’re invited to our annual Speech and Debate Tournament, “The U Invitational,” hosted by University Schools. We are excited to be able to provide schools with the opportunity to compete this weekend. We will be providing in person rounds of all events Saturday, Jan 27th. We will also be offering an asynchronous category for all interpretation events and extemporaneous speaking (eligible for NIETOC), to be judged throughout the week leading up.
We are a NIETOC bid tournament! Bids do count for asnyc and in person as separate categories. See more:
Pre-registration of entries is due Monday, Jan 22, 2024 by 5pm MST
Video links for asynchronous events: due Monday, Jan 22nd, by 7:00 pm MST
Judges for live events can be updated by Friday, Jan 26th 7:00pm MST
Initial entry limit of 4 students per event, All events will start with wailtist to manage size of tournament.
A coach is responsible for being on sight at all times
Congress legislation will be accepted up until 1 week prior to the tournament. Legislation posted 1 week out.
Debate will be using January Topics
Entry fees are $11 per single entry, partnered events $22: live & asynchronous
Wave A - LIVE |
Wave B- LIVE |
IEs/Extemp - Asynchronous |
debaters/extempers may only single enter within wave |
debaters/extempers may only single enter within wave |
No limitations. May enter Live OO and asynchronous OO for example. |
Varsity-Lincoln Douglas |
Varsity-Public Forum |
Drama |
Congress A |
Varsity-Policy |
Duo |
Drama |
Congress B |
Informative |
Duo |
Humor |
Humor |
Informative |
Oratory |
OO |
National Extemp |
Poetry (CHSAA rules) |
Poetry (CHSAA rules) |
Impromptu: (Prep 5/Speak 5) |
Creative Storytelling (draw in room) |
International Extemp |
Poetry (CHSAA rules) |
Big Questions: To offer the necessary rounds, students will not be allowed to double. We will run BQ every wave until we have our qualifiers (only offered to Rocky Mountain North District Students. |
Combined Extemp:(1 video, questions sent out 1 week prior) |
PF: Resolved: Ihe United States federal government should repeal Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.
LD: Resolved: The United States ought to substantially reduce its military presence in the West Asia-North Africa region.
CX: Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase fiscal redistribution in the United States by adopting a federal jobs guarantee, expanding Social Security, and/or providing a basic income.
Judging: We are hoping to provide a diverse judging pool of former competitors, community members, and parents. Our goal is to increase the community involvement with the activity, so we appreciate you acknowledging that lay judges may be used for debate to help train new judges to become familiar with the activity. Teams should cover 4 rounds per 4 debate entries, 5 rounds per 10 Async Entries, 5 rounds per 10 IE entries (basically 1 full-time judge for 4 debate/10 Async/IE entries). As we recruit more judges, we will lower the requirements and release judges from the tournament.
We are happy to announce this year we will be paying college students 11$ per round! If you have formers that you are using to cover a judging obligation, we will pay them! We hope to expand this to all judges in the future, but to see how it impacts finances, this year we will limit it to students in college.
Navy: LD, Congress, NX, Info, Drama, Duo, IMP, CST
White: PF, CX, Congress, IX, Humor, Oratory, Poetry, POI
Time (all in MST) |
Interp Schedule |
7:00 am-7:30 am |
Registration/Judge Check-In (If judging Round 1) |
7:30 am-7:45 am |
Judge Training (for any judge that wants to come by) |
8:00 am- 9:30am |
Navy 1 |
9:30 am- 11:00 am |
White 1 |
11:00 am- 12:30pm |
Navy 2 |
12:30-2pm |
White 2 |
2pm-3:30pm |
Navy 3 |
3:30pm-5pm |
White 3 |
3:45 pm- 5:00pm |
Navy 3 |
5-6:30pm |
Navy Finals |
6:30-8pm |
White Finals |
Awards ASAP |
Async Schedule
Time (all in MST) |
Asynch |
Tuesday, Jan 22nd - Wednesday, Jan 23 at 9pm |
Rounds 1-3 |
Thursday Jan 24 at 9pm |
Semi Finals (all events over 21 entries) |
Friday Jan 26th at 6 pm - Saturday, Jan 27th |
Finals (in events that necessitate finals based on entries) |
Entries: Each school may enter a maximum of 4 entries in each event. You may add additional entries to the waitlist and if room permits, I will add entries as possible. Entries will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration will occur online a
Entry Fees: Please make checks payable to University Schools. Mailing address: 6525 w 18th Street Greeley CO 80634 Thank you!