Madison Central High School Mid State Invitational
2023 — Madison, MS/US
Madison Central Mid-State Invitational
Dear Speech and Debate Friends and Colleagues:
Please join us for Madison Central's eleventh annual tournament the Madison Central Mid-State Invitational Tournament on December 15-16, 2023.
Events Offered
In Debate, we offer Novice Public Forum, Varsity Public Forum, Novice Lincoln-Douglas, Varsity Lincoln-Douglas, Policy Debate, Big Questions, World Schools Debate, and Congressional Debate.
Flight A: Individual Events are Novice and Varsity Prose, Impromptu, Dramatic Interpretation, Duet Acting, Original Oratory, and Program Oral Interpretation. We also offer the supplemental event of Expository Speaking for students and tenth-grade and lower.
Flight B: Individual Events are Novice and Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking, Humorous Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Novice and Varsity Poetry Interpretation, Declamation and Informative Speaking. We also offer the supplemental event of Storytelling for students in tenth-grade and lower.
Middle School: For the first time, the Mid-State Invitational is proud to offer middle school events. Middle schoolers may enter any events they choose, but we will offer middle school-only divisions for Impromptu (Flight A), Dramatic Performance (DI/HI in Flight B), and Public Forum Debate (Friday night/Saturday morning). Middle school events will run concurrent with high school events but will not count for sweepstakes points. Middle school speech events will have two rounds and a final. Middle school public forum will be held on Friday for three rounds with a final on Saturday morning. Each school may enter up to 10 middle school speech entries and 6 middle school debate entries. Middle schoolers are defined as any student in fifth, sixth, seventh, or eighth grade.
Tournament Structure
Per the standard for Mississippi tournaments, Debate prelims will be held on Friday evening with all Individual Events on Saturday. In Debate events (with the exception of Congressional Debate and World Schools Debate), quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals will be held on Saturday morning. Congressional Debate Session One and Two will be held on Friday Evening, Finals will be held on Saturday morning. World Schools will have four rounds on Friday evening with the fifth round on Saturday morning and then a break to finals. The MHSAA Fall Bill Book will be used for MC's tournament legislation, with any out-of-state schools sending supplemental legislation to by Dec. 1st. All speech events (with the exception of middle school) will have two preliminary sessions and then break into either semis or finals depending on entry numbers.
Sweepstakes trophies will be awarded to the top school in debate and individual events, as well as the top three schools overall. We will also be awarding a "Top Individual Performer" award to the top Performer at the tournament. All students are only permitted to enter four events TOTAL, either choosing two Flight A’s and two Flight B’s or one debate, one Flight A and Two Flight B’s.
Registration for the tournament closes Monday, December 11th at 11:00 p.m. Judge Registration ends Tuesday, December 12th at 11:00 p.m. Judge obligations and entry fees are on the following page.
Topic Areas
Topic Areas
Public Forum (Middle School, Novice, and Varsity): Resolved: The United States federal government should forgive all federal student loan debt.
Varsity Lincoln-Douglas: Resolved: The United States ought to prohibit the extraction of fossil fuels from federal public lands and waters.
Novice Lincoln-Douglas: Resolved: In the United States, national service ought to be mandatory.
Policy Debate: Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase fiscal redistribution in the United States by adopting a federal jobs guarantee, expanding Social Security, and/or providing a basic income.
"Snowed In"- Tales of winter weather.
Novice Extemporaneous Speaking
R1: U.S. Politics
R2: The Middle East
Semis: U.S. Infrastructure
Finals: International Hypotheticals- Students will be asked to engage with a hypothetical international scenario.
Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking
R1: Africa
R2: U.S. Legal System
Semis: South America
Finals: Big Picture Topics- Students will be asked to engage with big issues with a broad reach. (US and International)
World Schools Topics:
Round 1: This house believes qualified immunity for law enforcement should be abolished in the United States.
Round 2: Impromptu Motion
Round 3: This house would remove Russia from its permanent member status on the United Nations Security Council.
Round 4: Impromptu Motion
Round 5: This house regrets the rise in parasocial relationships in popular culture.
Finals: Impromptu Motion
We look forward to hosting you in Madison!!
Tournament Staff-
Rachel Clapper-Davis: Director of Madison Central Speech & Debate
Sneha Vuyyuru: MCHS Speech and Debate President and Student Tournament Director
Audrey Houston: MCHS Speech and Debate Vice-President and Assistant Student Tournament Director
Alex McDougal: MCHS Speech and Debate Team Manager and Assistant Student Tournament Director