TOC Digital Speech and Debate Series 2
2024 — Online, KY/US
TOC Digital Speech & Debate Series #2 Invitation (12.4.23)
TOC Digital Speech & Debate Series #2 Schedule (2.21.24)
Event Helpline: Each event's designated email helpline is below. Please review all tournament documentation before submitting a help ticket, and do not attempt to contact tournament staff via their personal email or phone number. Any issues must be reported via the designated email helpline for that event in order to receive a response.
Email Subject: Please use the following email subjects, as applicable for your inquiry.
Tab Issue – Issues with e-ballot, pairing, judging, etc.
Missing Participant – Judges and/or competitors absent from rounds
Tech Issue – Tech issues of any kind, including difficulty accessing virtual rooms
Tech Time – If invoking tech time (see Tournament Procedures), notify tab staff of the time started and time zone, then provide an update when the issue is resolved or tech time concludes
Procedure Issue – Procedural questions and/or concerns, including inquiries about filing a petition with the Ombuds Office
Equity Issue – Equity questions and/or concerns, including inquiries about filing a petition with the Equity Office about an equity, harassment, discrimination, or bullying incident
Email Content: Please include the following information in the body of your email.
Your Full Name
Your Phone Number
Your Institutional Affiliation
Your Role (e.g. Coach, Judge, Competitor)
Round + Flight
Room Number
Event + Onsite/Online
Brief Description of Issue
Event Helplines
Congress Tab -
Lincoln-Douglas Tab -
Policy Tab -
Public Forum Tab -
Speech Tab -
World Schools -