West Los Angeles NSDA World Schools Debate Qualifier
2024 — Los Angeles, CA/US
West Los Angeles NSDA World Schools Debate Qualifier
Date: March 23-24, 2024
Location: Loyola High School
Tournament Updates 3-20-24:
- Food - Thank you to Loyola for offering to feed breakfast foods to students, judges and coaches for free! Lunch plates (Pizza or sandwiches, chips, cookie and drink) and dinner plates (pasta, salad and a drink) will be sold for $10.00 per plate on Saturday. We will have pizza for Congress students on Sunday. Coaches and judges will be fed at no cost to them. Loyola has water bottle stations - we encourage attendees to bring their refillable water bottles.
- Parking - please see the map with instructions on the right of this page
- Tournament Locations - students should gather at Caruso Hall, judges/coaches should report to Otero Hall. Most rounds will take place at Pinney, Loyola Hall, Ardoff and Hannon.
- NO Food or Drinks allowed in classrooms (except for water). Students are NOT to enter a classroom unless an adult is present.
- Please DO NOT touch or move classroom teachers' desks or classroom items. Please honor and respect the courtesy Loyola is giving our district schools to use their spaces.
Questions? Contact District Committee Chair
Leilani McHugh (Lmchugh@fsha.org)