WBFL November IE
2023 — Santa Monica, CA/US
Welcome! This tournament is only for the schools in the WBFL league.
Please note that students can only be double entered if they are in one A event and one B event, but cannot be in 2 events of the same pattern. Pattern A events are DI, Duo, Info, Extemp, OA, Dec. Pattern B events are HI, OO, POI, Opp, Impromptu.
Extemp Prep:
For students in Extemp, the round begins at the listed round times. Students need to check in and prep in the Extemp Room for every round. Topics will be automatically released on https://extemproom.com/2023NovemberIE. I would recommend having the link open 5 minutes early. If you are late, you may risk losing prep time.
8:30 Check-In/ Judges Training (room P115)
9:00 Round 1A
10:15 Round 1B
11:30 Round 2A
1:00 Round 2B
2:15 Round 3A
3:30 Round 3B
4:45 or ASAP Awards