Isidore Newman Middle School Tournament
2023 — New Orleans, US
If you have Middle School (Grades 5-8) speech and debate competitors, Isidore Newman School in New Orleans is hosting a one day practice tournament/scrimmage on Saturday, October 28. All standard events will be offered but we reserve the right to cancel if entry numbers are not large enough to work out the logistics. Our goal is to get students off their feet. Rounds could be start/stop.
No entry fees
Lunch provided
Approximate schedule
Rounds begin at 9 am
Break for lunch at about 11:30
Resume at about 12:30
Finish up by 3 pm (or earlier)
Policy debaters will use the NDCA Packet
Congress debaters will use the LHSSL October 2023 docket
If you have any questions, please contact us!
Greg Malis and Alma Nicholson
Newman School Middle School Coaches