Fabulous Fallrensics Spectacular 2023

2023 — Bozeman, MT/US

Fabulous Fallrensics Spectacular

10 & 11 November 2023

Dear Colleagues:

You are cordially invited to attend the Fabulous Fallrensics Spectacular to be held at BHS and GHS on the 10th and 11th of November. We will be utilizing tabroom.com for registration: Fabulous Fallrensics Spectacular 2023. We ask that you complete a best estimate entry by 4:00PM on Wednesday, Oct. 18 and a final registration by 4:00PM Monday, Oct. 23 so that we can have judges and rooms sorted before the last second. The site is very straightforward and will allow you to fully manage your entry until 8:00PM on Wednesday, Nov. 8, and to complete your own drops until 4:00PM Thursday, Nov. 9. You will be able to make changes until Nov. 9 without penalty, but having an idea of space and judging needs early will be crucial for a smooth tournament and for JV entries. If you have former competitors in Bozeman who would like to judge, please pass along the following link and have them sign themselves up: Judge Signup FFS 2023. Please send all additional inquiries to Adam Thane: adam.thane@bsd7.org and/or Shelby Jackson: shelby.jackson@bsd7.org.

Covid Protocols:

Ø Competitors are not allowed to shake hands with judges. Period.

Registration Information:

Ø Debate events will be held at Bozeman High School – 205 North 11th. Speech Events and Legi will be held at Gallatin High School– 4455 Annie St. in Bozeman, MT

Ø Initial registration due by Wednesday, Oct. 18 at 4:00PM

Ø Final registration due by Monday, Oct. 23 at 4:00PM.

Ø You may bring JV entries depending on space. Traditionally this is a massive meet, and we will make a final determination as to number of JV entries allowed based on the initial registrations on Oct. 18. At that time, I will let people know whether the JV they have entered need to be dropped or trimmed.

Ø If you plan to bring JV entries, be aware that a Google Doc will be shared with you to delineate which 4 entries in any given event will earn varsity sweepstakes points. Your section of that Doc will need to be completed by 4:00 PM on Wednesday, Nov. 8.

Ø Varsity and Novice divisions will be offered in Policy and LD. All other events are Open division.

Ø We plan to run octafinal rounds for any varsity debate event with 32+ entries as of Oct. 18. We will decide on novice octafinals for events with 32+ entries based on judge numbers.

Ø Any Speech event with 24 or fewer entries will break straight to finals unless we have higher than expected judge numbers.

Ø I will notify registered teams about elimination round configuration and the final schedule on Oct. 24.

Ø JV debate entries will be blocked from hitting debaters on their schools’ varsity squads.

Ø All MHSA sanctioned AA events will be offered. All events will be run according to MHSA rules and ethics guidelines. For those coming from out of state, that means different speech times and prep time for some events. Please familiarize yourselves and your competitors with the Speech and Debate rules in the MHSA Forensics Rulebook.

Ø We will be using NSDA Nationals style slips for extemp draw. 3 random topics per draw sheet. The topics will still be of the same round theme.

Fees & Logistics:

Ø There will be no on-site registration. All double-checking and changes will be done by coaches via Tabroom.com and, after 4PM on Nov. 9, via email. Please expect an e-mail on Thursday, 9 Nov. with final codes and registration.

Ø There will be a $5.00 fee assessed per entry. Partner events count as two entries.

Ø There will be no fees for drops, adds, or changes up to Wednesday, Nov. 8 at 8:00PM. Any changes after Wednesday 8PM will be assessed a $5.00 penalty. Changes on Friday, 10 Nov. will cost $20.00.

Ø We will conduct all events according to the 2023-2024 MHSA Handbook, except as noted on this invitation.

Ø In order to (hopefully) run on time, the first two rounds of all debate events will be pre-paired, and prelim rounds 3-5 will be paired based on results from 2 rounds previous (i.e., round 3 will be paired based on results from round 1, round 4 from rounds 1 & 2, Round 5 from rounds 1-3). Elim rounds will be paired using all 5 prelims.

Ø Semi-Finals and Finals of VLD and Forum will be single flighted


Policy: Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase fiscal redistribution in the United States by adopting a federal jobs guarantee, expanding Social Security, and/or providing a basic income.

Lincoln/Douglas: Resolved: The United States ought to guarantee the right to housing. (Montana uses the NSDA Sept./Oct. topic in November)

Public Forum: Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its military presence in the Arctic. (Montana uses the NSDA Sept./Oct. topic in November)

Legi: Foreign-Ukraine Domestic-Censorship

Schedule of Events

Friday, 10 November:

3:30 PM Extemp Draw for Round I in B217/B220

4:00 PM Round I begins for all competitors

6:00 PM Round II for all

8:00 PM Round III for all

Saturday, 11 November:

8:00 AM Extemp Draw for Round IV, Round IV Debate

8:30 AM Round IV Speech

10:00 AM Round V Debate

10:30AM Round V Speech

12:00 PM Octafinals for varsity debate with 32+ entries/Quarterfinals for other debate

1:00 PM Semifinals for Speech with 25+ entries/Finals for Speech with 24- entries

2:00 PM Quarterfinals for varsity debate with 32+ entries /Semifinals for other debate

3:30 PM Finals for Speech

4:00 PM Semifinals for varsity debate with 32+ entries /Finals for other debate

5:00 PM Finals for any LD and PF if Octafinals are run

6:00 PM Finals for VPOL if Octafinals are run

6:30 PM Awards in GHS Auditorium (VPOL final would run during awards if Octafinals are run)

Students Gather in Commons at GHS (speech) or BHS (debate)

Extemp Draw in B217/B220 at GHS

Tab Rooms: 2nd floor of Library at GHS, Berg Library at BHS