Coast Forensic League CFL Congress 3
2024 — Leland High School, CA/US
Coast Forensic League
Congress 3
Sunday, February 4th, 2024
Hosted IN-PERSON at:
Leland High School
6677 Camden Ave., San Jose, CA 95120
We will be offering the following events:
House and Senate
Congress Rules and Procedures:
STUDENTS ONLY - Vote for Best PO here:
Important Locations:
Student Hangout - Cafeteria
Judges' Lounge - Faculty Dining Room
Tabroom - H-5
Competition Rooms - H, J, K wings
Parking - Student Parking Lot
Student food sold at the lunch line.
Schedule for Sunday, February 4th:
Registration/AM Judges Arrive for Judge Training: 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Round 1: 9:45 AM - 12:15 PM (take one 5-10 minute break)
Lunch: 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM
PM Judges Arrive: 12:45 PM
Round 2: 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Awards: ASAP after ballots have been turned in
Please provide 1 judge for every 6 entries or part thereof. Schools may use school affiliated judges and/or hired judges to fulfill their judging obligation. However, EVERY school MUST provide at least one judge available for both rounds on Sunday. This is to ensure that we have enough judges to run the Tournament. Judges are due on February 1st at 5 PM.
All judges should complete the NSDA Cultural Competency Training found on the Tabroom website and must have a linked Tabroom account.
Registration and all entries are due on February 1st at 5 PM on Tabroom. All competitors will be placed on a waitlist and will be removed from the waitlist after judges have been entered to fulfill your school's obligation. Drops and adds after February 1st at 5 PM will be assessed a late fee.
Each school may enter unlimited entries in the House, but are limited to no more than THREE (3) entries in the Senate. Schools should place their most experienced debaters for Senate competition.
Congress Rules:
CHSSA Rules will govern all events. In addition, Bills and Resolutions may NOT be laid on the table and all business before the Chamber MUST be completed (voted on) before the end of a session. Debaters are not permitted to suspend the rules.
Electronic retrieval devices will be allowed in round, but NO INTERNET PREP is allowed. Electronic retrieval devices include laptops, iPads, netbooks, etc. Secondary electronic retrieval devices like flash drives and hard drives are allowed as well. Cellphones and smartphones may only be used as timers in the round. Any electronic retrieval device MUST be battery operated and NO power plugs or outlets may be used in round. All devices should be DISCONNECTED from the WiFi during round or placed in Airplane Mode.
There will NOT be a separate Presiding Officer contest. Instead, students will vote for the best PO in each chamber via Google Form at the end of the 2nd Session. These Outstanding Presiding Officers shall be recognized at the Awards Ceremony. Presiding Officers are required for competition and each chamber requires a student Presiding Officer, though more than one may serve throughout the day.
House Chambers will have 14-20 competitors and the Senate Chamber shall have 8-20 competitors. The Senate MUST have at least 8 entries to be held.
Each Chamber will set their own docket and all students should be prepared to debate both sides of the legislation.
CFL COVID-19 Policy:
If you are sick, please stay home and do not attend the Tournament. This year, we are no longer requiring masks to be used in round. Please be courteous to all competitors and judges for choosing to wear/not wear a mask. Judges should not penalize students for choosing to or choosing not to wear a mask.
The Top Congressional Debater in each House Chamber shall receive a wildcard to the State Qualifying Tournament.
If a Senate Chamber is held with 8-10 entries, the Top Congressional Debater will receive a wildcard to the State Qualifying Tournament. If a Senate Chamber is held with 11 or more entries, the Top Two Congressional Debaters will receive a wildcard to the State Qualifying Tournament.
Outstanding Presiding Officers will also be recognized at the Awards Ceremony. Presiding Officers are also eligible to earn a wildcard should they win their Chamber in the House or place in the Top 1 or 2 in the Senate, entries permitting.