Online Policy League Number 1
2023 — NSDA Campus, NY/US
Welcome to OPL for the 2023-2024 season!!
Here are some notes:
- As always, rounds are on NSDA Campus.
- Fees will continue to be through NYCFL - $8/student ($16/entry).
- The novice division will be for the NDCA packet only. We encourage novices who want to read more than the packet to try out JV!
- Middle school students are welcome in novice. If it is their first tournament, they can join us starting at OPL #1. If it is not their first tournament, please join us starting at OPL #2.
- We will continue to have 3 rounds at 10AM, 1PM, and 3:30PM Eastern. We try to release pairings 30 minutes before start time, but reserve the right to slightly reduce pre-round prep to stay on schedule.
- For novice, juniors and seniors with at least 200 NSDA points can judge. For JV, seniors with at least 200 NSDA points can judge. Varsity must be judged by a high school graduate.
- Online tabroom check in for OPL will be 8AM-9:45AM Eastern.
- Tournament helpline is
We hope to see you soon!
Janet and Kaz