LC Anderson Trojan Classic
2023 — Austin, TX/US
Hello everyone! We are so excited to welcome you all to L.C. Anderson High School located in Austin, Texas, for the annual Trojan Classic Speech and Debate tournament! This tournament is open to all schools and we would be delighted for you to join us in celebrating the 50th anniversary of our school building with a speech and debate tournament.
This tournament will be entirely in person on both days, Friday the 29th and Saturday the 30th.
Congress will be on Friday only! There is a set grouping of legislation, with prelims debating items 16-20 and finals debating items 21-25.
We will use the September/October PF and LD topics and the 2023-24 CX topic.
Novice Policy Debate will be using the Novice packet.
Novice Extemp will be focused on U.S. Foreign Policy.
We will be offering all TFA qualifying events as well as prose and poetry.
Section A: extemp, dramatic interpretation, duet acting, original oratory, program of oral interpretation
Section B: duo interpretation, humorous interpretation, informative speaking, prose/poetry
if entry numbers in prose and poetry are low, we will combine them into oral interpretation and have all contestants in the same round.
Looking forward to seeing you in beautiful Northwest Hills!
El Contreras
L.C. Anderson head speech and debate coach
Claire Zimmerman
L.C. Anderson speech coach