Langham Creek Lobo Invitational TFA NIETOC ONLINE
2024 — Online (Houston), TX/US
February 1st – 3rd, 2024
Langham Creek High School- ONLINE via NSDA CAMPUS
It is with great pleasure that we here at Langham Creek HS extend an invitation to you and your team to attend the 2024 Langham Creek Lobo Invitational, hosted ONLINE (for this year only)this February 1st - 3rd, 2024. We will be a TFA qualifying tournament for all TFA events AND a NIETOC qualifier! Please register EARLY! This is a great opportunity to get those last-minute state points and NIETOC Bids! Langham Creek Speech & Debate students may enter, compete and advance at this tournament.
ENTRY RESTRICTIONS: The only schools that may enter this tournament are accredited high school or middle/junior high schools. No enrichment schools or programs have standing to enter our tournament. You must be attending a high school or junior high school and entering as a representative of that school with an official school sponsor present to compete at this tournament.
A Novice/Junior Varsity Competitor for our tournament is defined as a competitor in their first year of competition in either speech or debate.
In DEBATE Divisions, we will offer Five (5) Preliminary Rounds in Varsity Cross-Examination Debate, FOUR (4) Preliminary Rounds in all other Varsity & JV Debate Divisions. We will NOT break brackets in debate.
In SPEECH Divisions we will offer ONE (1) Preliminary Round in ALL Divisions
Congress Legislation: Prelims 1-5; Finals 6-10. – We will be following the TFA Congress Scaffolding guidelines utilizing Spring Legislation. A complete docket will be made available on the “Debate Topics” page.
Please nominate a deserving coach for our annual Coaching Award! Details can be found on the right-hand navigation panel under “Coaching Award”.
New This Year: If you enter at least one (1) policy debate team into the pool, we will give you a 10% discount on your tournament fees.
If you have any questions for us, we are here to help! We hope to see you soon.