ASDCA Spring Coaches Convention

2023 — Scottsdale, AZ/US

Arizona Speech and Debate Coaches Association

Spring Conference

BASIS Scottsdale, April 22, 2023

Dear Speech and Debate Coaches:

You are cordially invited to the 2023 Arizona Speech and Debate Coaches Association Spring Conference on April 22 in conjunction with the Middle School State Tournament. We will register at 8:00 AM and start our conference business at 8:30.

This meeting will allow us to elect officers and representatives for next year, vote on some possible initiatives, hopefully get in some rounds of judging for the next generation, and see each other one last time before the National Tournament. This day is recommended for those who are serving as the contracted coaches for their team, or who will be a new coach next fall. We will provide state recertification credit for teachers who attend.

Location and Directions

BASIS Scottsdale will serve as our host. They are located at 10400 N 128th St, Scottsdale, AZ 85259.


To register, go to and sign up as a judge in the “Coaches” category. You do not need to enter any students. So we can get an accurate count, all coaches from your team attending the conference should be listed.


There is no cost for coaches from ASDCA member schools. If your school has not paid membership dues for the 2022-23 school year, please do so prior to April 20. There is no separate fee for the Spring conference. Lunch will be provided by the ASDCA.

Rule Changes

If there are any proposals, submit those to me by April 17th so I can post them on Tabroom for review before the conference.


If you are planning to host an invitational next year or want to serve as site host for a championship tournament (Winter Trophy, State, Nat Quals), let me know by April 17th. If you are planning on an invitational, then provide me with the tournament name, school, date, alternate date, and any other information you need to provide. The goal is to have a mostly complete 2023-24 calendar available at the conference.

Middle School State Tournament

With any luck, we will complete our business before the Middle School State elim rounds, allowing us to provide clean judging for the next generation of AZ Speech and Debate.

I am looking forward to seeing all of you at the end of April.