Mitchell Middle School Oral Interp Contest


Mitchell Middle School is excited to host the 2023 Middle School Oral Interp Invitational on March 30th. This is an after-school tournament. Please arrive BEFORE 3:00 PM or AFTER 3:30 PM and wait in the cafeteria. The general meeting will be at 3:45 PM with the first round beginning at 4:00 PM. The awards ceremony will begin as soon as possible after the conclusion of the third round. We will be awarding superior awards and excellence awards along with a special treat for those who place at the top of their event.

We will have a small concessions stand with snacks for $1 per item, but please tell your students to pack a dinner if needed.

We are combining events early. If you have a storytelling, non-original oratory, or poetry piece with serious tones, please register your students under "Serious Reading." If you have a storytelling, non-original oratory, or poetry piece that is upbeat, please register your students under "Humorous Interp." If you have any Reader's Theatres, please register them under "Duet."

Round 1 at 4:00PM

Round 2 at 5:10PM

Round 3 at 6:20PM