Nevada State Championship Tournament 2023

2023 — Las Vegas, NV/US

::: 2023 Nevada State Speech and Debate Tournament :::

April 14 & 15, 2023

The WCTA Speech and Debate Team and the 2023 Nevada State Speech and Debate Association cordially invite you to the 2023 Nevada State Championship Tournament on April 14-15, 2023 at West Career and Technical Academy in Las Vegas, NV.

All entries, scripts, and fees are due by 8:00 PM on April 12, 2023. Make sure that all previous fees are paid in full before registering as you will not be able to register if your school has an outstanding balance. Contact State Treasurer Shiela Berselli ( for more information regarding past payments.

Each school is limited to two (2) entries in all IE events, PF, LD, and Policy. Schools are limited to three (3) entries in Congress. The tournament will offer the following Individual Events (IE) and Debate: Congress, Lincoln Douglas, Policy, Public Forum, Domestic Extemporaneous, International Extemporaneous, Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Informative Speaking, Original Oratory, and Program Oral Interpretation.

The WCTA Speech and Debate Team would like to express gratitude to the WCTA administration (Amy Dockter-Rozar, Stacy Byrne, Kelli Compton, Greg Bailey, and Devyn Mcnamee Horst) and the 2023 Nevada State Committee (Eric Luchs, Christy Briggs, Jill Whitbeck, Shiela Berselli, and Chris Rawlins) for selecting WCTA as the state hosts.


Chris Rawlins/WCTA