West Los Angeles NSDA World Schools Debate Qualifier

2023 — NSDA Campus, CA/US

NSDA West Los Angeles

World Schools Debate Qualifier

Sunday, March 19th, 2023

Virtual (Zoom) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8023806708


08:00AM - MANDATORY WSD Judge Training

09:00AM- Round 1 (Prepared Motion)

10:30AM - Round 2 (Prepared Motion)

12:00PM - Impromptu Motion Prep Starts

01:00PM - Round 3 (Impromptu Motion)

02:30PM- Round 4 (Prepared Motion)

04:00PM - Round 5 (Prepared Motion)

5:00PM - Awards

Motion Round Assignments

Rounds 1 & 2: This House believes the United States should abolish political parties.

Round 3: Impromptu Motion

Round 4: This House would require corporations to follow the same environmental and labor standards in foreign nations as they are obligated to in their home nation.

Round 5: This House believes in the virtue of a disproportionate response.