WACFL Registration for NCFL 2023 Louisville
2023 — Louisville, VA/US
This is not a tournament but the initial part of the registration process for NCFL GNT Qualifiers from the Washington Arlington Catholic Forensic League (WACFL). Do not register unless you are entering from a WACFL school with qualified competitors for the 2023 NCFL Grand National Tournament.
This is an administrative registration site ONLY — not an actual tournament. The purpose is to collect registration information from schools for students that have qualified for NCFL Nationals through competition in the WACFL Metrofinal Tournaments.
Registration of Student Entries is due not later than Saturday, March 18. Call-Ups will begin on March 19. If you know that your student is not taking a slot, please email that info to "rburdett3@gmail.com" ASAP.
Registration of Judges is due not later than Saturday, March 25. All judges must be experienced in the event area that they are registered for (Speech, Congress, PF, LD, Policy). Please designate First Year Out judges because they cannot be used on Sunday in Elims.