BHHS Last Minute Tournament

2023 — Bloomfield Hills, MI/US


After the tragic events at MSU this week, Spartan Speech is unable to hold their scheduled tournament. We completely support that position, as the Spartan community deserves time to process and time to start to heal.

We here at BHHS realized that there were likely schools in a similar position to us who have limited flexibility in their schedule and would benefit from an event this weekend. Because this is so last minute, there are some considerations to note:

  • We will need registration almost immediately, but no later than Thursday, February 16 at 5 pm.

  • We will not be able to provide concessions for sale. Please plan to bring your own food or coordinate ordering within your own team.

  • We will only run 3 prelims and a final.

  • We will not have trophies or medals.

  • We might have to be creative with our judge placement, but will assume professionalism and fairness.

BHHS Last-Minute Tournament: Individual Events Tournament

2/018/2023 @ Bloomfield Hills High School

4200 Andover Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302

Registration: Please register your school ASAP, but no later than Thursday, February 16 at 5 pm.

Registration is available online at

Events: We will offer all (16) MIFA High School level events including Duo Commentary, Program Oral Interp, Storytelling 9/10, and Impromptu 9/10. All events will be administered and should be adjudicated based on the criteria/rules established in MIFA IE Speech Activities and on the category-specific ballots. All of this information is available at: -

Elims: We will only be running final rounds. The top 6 Finalists in each event will be recognized with certificates at the closing ceremony.

Limited Prep event specifics:

1) Impromptu - Theme: Creators

2) Extemporaneous - questions will follow traditional categories.

3) Duo Commentary - Theme: Creators

3) Broadcasting - With the new broadcasting format/rules, students should prep their material prior to the tournament. Students will have 15 minutes to prep their editorial for each round. SEE NEW MIFA BALLOT at

Schedule (subject to announced changes as needed):

Registration: 7:00-7:45 AM

BC/EX Prep: 8:00 (Prep rooms)

Judge checkin: 7:30-8:15 AM

Round 1:8:30

Round 2:10:00

Round 3:12:30

Finals:2:00 (ASAP)

Awards: 3:30 (ASAP)

Fees: $10/school + $5/entry

Judges: 1 judge per 5 entries (Duo/Duo Commentary/Multiple x2)

**If you have unaffiliated judges, that would be amazing–please indicate that in the tabroom notes.

**At this late date, we will not be able to hire judges for schools

Payment information:

1) Online payment can be made Via Venmo to @BlackhawkForensicsBoosters (Indicate school in message)

2) Check made out to Bloomfield Hills Forensics (Mail to: 4200 Andover Rd, Bloomfield Hills High School ATTN: Danielle Tier/Forensics)

3) Cash/Check payment at Registration on tournament day

Key dates:

**Registration closes at 5:00 PM on THURSDAY 02/16/23

Drops/Adds/Changes incur $10 fees after 5:00 PM on THURSDAY 02/16/23

All judging/fee commitments are locked as of 5:00 PM on THURSDAY 02/16/23

For more information, or with ANY questions or concerns, please contact:

Danielle Tier, Tournament Director

