2023 — Montebello- Schurr HS, CA/US

Southern California Debate League


Policy, LD, PF, Parli, Congress

Location: Schurr HS in Montebello, CA


IF You, the coach of record, are NOT going to be attending the tournament, you must send either an employee representing your school and have them check in your team at the beginning of the tournament.

IF You, the coach of record, are sending a volunteer and/or parent to care for your team. You MUST have a letter from your school, signed by your principal indicating the person you are sending is the official "chaperone" of your team for the day. The letter must be turned in to the tournament director prior to the beginning of the tournament. Failure to do so may result in your student not being allowed to compete.

WHOMEVERyou put in charge of your team should have the student emergency medical forms / permission slips / parent contact forms for your team. Protect your students, yourself and your "representative."

When: Saturday, March 4 and possibly Sunday, March 5th, if Saturday goes too long

State Qualifying Events: Policy, LD, Parli, PF, Congress (Congress is Saturday only)

Deadline: Entries are due to the website by no later than 5pm on Friday, February 24. Entries can be changed on the site until 5pm on Tuesday, Feb 28

Debate Topics: Exact wording

Public Forum: March 2023 NSDA Topic

LD: March/April NSDA Topic

Policy: 2022-23 NSDA Topic

Parli: will be posted 20 minutes before each round


Saturday and Sunday: Each school will need to provide one judge for every 2 debate entries and 1 judge for every 5 congress entries (not including the coach).


$10 per CONGRESS/LD entry


these will be billed after this tournament

Eligibility: In order to be eligible for competition schools must have:

1. Paid outstanding fees

2. Paid their $50 league dues (first year programs exempt)

3. Paid their CHSSA dues

4. Competed at SCDL Spring Varsity, or in the SCDL Varsity division at Spring Debate

Are you a COACH with questions?

Please contact
Ashley Novak, S.C.D.L. President
