Winter Blast

2023 — Cape Elizabeth, ME/US

Welcome to Cape Elizabeth’s Winter Blast, 2023!

Tournament check-in: 8:00 a.m. - 8:30; judges briefings at 8:35; rounds begin at 9:00.

1) Students will be able to purchase concessions items for breakfast and lunch; breakfast and lunch are provided to coaches, judges, bus drivers, and alumni judges.

2) We will offer all Maine Forensic Association speech events, debate (LD and PF), and congress (House, Senate) events; novice categories of LD and PF are contingent upon having enough entrants. Debate topics are the NSDA’s for Jan./Feb.

3) Judge quotas: IE: 1 for every 5 entrants;

Debate: 1 for every 2 PF teams; 1 judge for every 2 LD entrants;

Congress: 1 for every 4 entrants in; unaffiliated judges are required for every third judge in an event; no parents will be allowed to judge their own children in any event, including House and Senate. Coaches: please place one or two of your most qualified legislators in Senate.

4.) Weather-permitting, we’ll have some outside activities at lunch time; bring warm gear.

5.) The CEHS Speech & Debate team is excited to welcome you to Cape Elizabeth in January!


Lisa Melanson, Tournament Director

View the docket here