- Debate: No double entry is permitted
- Speech: Competitors may enter up to three total events (no more than two per pattern)
- Pattern A: USX, IX, DEC, DI, DUO, INF, PRO, STO
- Competitors in USX or IX may not double enter in Pattern A
- Pattern B: HI, OO, POI, POE, IMP, SW
- Middle School: Open invitational for competitors in grades 6-8
- Novice: Open invitational for competitors in grades 9-10 and in their first year of competition
- Varsity: Competitors in grades 9-12 must meet at least one qualification below
- One TOC Bid
- 500 NSDA Honor Society Points (Special Distinction)
- Urban Debate National Championship Qualifier
- All-State/Festival Outstanding Performer
- NSDA National Tournament Qualifier
- NCFL Grand Nationals Qualifier
- State Tournament Champion
- NIETOC Qualifier
- $50 per school
- $50 per student entry
- Waivers available for Title I schools
More information (e.g. Invitation, Procedures, Schedule) will be posted in the coming weeks!