CFL Parli and PF
2022 — San Jose, CA/US
CFL Covid Clearance Info
Tentative Schedule @ WESTMONT HIGH
For parliamentary debate, the topic announcement will occur at the scheduled start time, with rounds beginning 20 min later.
7:45 - 8:15 Coach check-in
8:30 Round 1 Flight A begins (start Flight B immediately after entering Flight A ballots, if applicable)
10:45 Round 2 Flight A begins (start Flight B immediately after entering Flight A ballots, if applicable)
1:15 Round 3 Flight A begins (start Flight B immediately after entering Flight A ballots, if applicable)
3:30 Round 4 Flight A begins (start Flight B immediately after entering Flight A ballots, if applicable)
Flighting will be determined by the number of entries. We expect to flight some or all of PF.
Debate Judging Ratios:
1 judge : 3 LD entries
1 judge : 2 PF entries
1 judge : 2 parli entries
1 judge : 2 policy entries
All judges should complete the NSDA Cultural Competency Training found on the Tabroom website and must have a linked Tabroom account. You may NOT enter students as judges for any division except for Novice.
PF - NSDA Septober - Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its investment in high-speed rail.
LD - NSDA Septober - Resolved: The United States ought to implement a single-payer universal healthcare system.
Policy - Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its security cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in one or more of the following areas: artificial intelligence, biotechnology, cybersecurity.
Parli - Topic doc to be posted