The Princeton Classic
2022 — Princeton, NJ/US
Speech Information (Princeton MS on Saturday, Princeton University campus on Sunday)
Lincoln-Douglas (Princeton University campus, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday)
Public Forum (Princeton HS/MS on Friday, Princeton University campus on Saturday & Sunday)
Congressional Debate (Princeton University campus, Saturday & Sunday)
October 11, 2022
Dear Forensics Coach,
On behalf of the Princeton Debate Panel, it is our pleasure to invite you and your forensics team to the 2022 Princeton Classic to be held at Princeton University from Friday, December 2, 2022 to Sunday, December 4, 2022.
The tournament will consist of competition in Varsity and Novice Divisions of both Lincoln-Douglas and Public Forum Debate (IRL NPF is new), Congressional Debate, and eight speech events. We offer five preliminary rounds in Individual Events, six preliminary rounds in LD and PF, and three sessions in Congress. Semifinalists in Varsity LD, octafinalists in PF, semifinalists or finalists (depending on entry numbers) in IE and Extemp, and finalists in Congress will earn a bid to their respective Tournament of Champions.
Joining us this year as Tab Director is Jim Menick, along with (among others to be confirmed soon) Sheryl Kaczmarek of Lexington (MA), Jeff Kahn of Strath Haven (PA), Dave Yastremski of Ridge (NJ) and Joe Vaughan of Scarsdale (NY).
To make this process as fair as possible, we will place all registered entries on the waitlist which we will clear roughly two weeks after registration opens. Every eligible school will be initially awarded an equal number of slots to be determined by the space we have available. This means that we are not operating on a first come, first served basis. Schools with outstanding balances from last year will not be accepted into the tournament.
This invitation should answer any questions you may have about the tournament; please take the time to read it in its entirety as some things have changed from previous years. If you need any additional information, please email us at And please note that the information herein is preliminary: all final details will be posted in live docs published shortly before and updated throughout the tournament. The live docs will be the final arbitrators of the tournament procedures.
We hope your school year and forensics season are off to a great start and we look forward to seeing you all in Princeton this December!
Best wishes,
Isaac Cape, Genevieve Cox, Ijay Narang
Tournament Directors