65th Annual George R R Pflaum Debates at Emporia State

2022 — Emporia, KS/US

Items of note:









Full invite follows:


October 14-16, 2019 (Fri-Sun)


Dear colleagues:

On behalf of Emporia State University, the Department of Communication and Theatre, and Hornet Debate, it is my privilege to invite you to the 65th Annual George R. R. Pflaum Debate Tournament in Emporia, KS. The tournament will be held October 14th through the 16th, 2022. We are excited to be hosting the Pflaum again after the previous two years. We hope to continue the tradition of great hospitality that the Pflaum has been known for. Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to make your tournament more enjoyable.

We hope to see you in October!


Chris Loghry

Director of Debate


(620) 341-5705 office



SAME AS BEFORE: 1) POPCORN 2) Challenge matching for open elimination debates 3) Hot apple cider, even if it’s going to be 70+ degrees.

DIFFERENT FROM BEFORE: 1) We are no longer holding competition in King Hall. We will still use Plumb Hall and Roosevelt Hall 2) NO ENTRY FEES, come experience all the challenge matching without the fees.


FACILITIES:  The facilities people have been very clear about problems regarding unplugging tech in Plumb hall in the past. I implore you: PLEASE DO NOT UNPLUG ANYTHING FROM ANYWHERE. If you need a power strip, please let us know so we can insure good relations with our facilities folks in the future.

DIVISIONS:  There will be Open, Junior and Novice (with sufficient entries).  Time limits for the tournament are 9-3-6 with 10 min prep.  We will adhere to the CEDA guidelines for eligibility in each division.

TOPIC:  The 2022-2023 resolution will be used.

ENTRIES:  No limit on number of entries per school so long as an appropriate number of judges are provided.  Each school should arrange their own hired judging.  Failure to provide enough judges could preclude additional teams being entered.

FEES:  None. Each uncovered debate team will be charged $150. Judging fees for uncovered teams go directly to the hired judge.

DEBATES:  We are pleased to be offering 6 rounds of debate. There will be an appropriate number of elimination debates in each division. Teams coached by actual wizards are not eligible to participate in elimination debates.

JUDGING:  Each school is expected to provide three rounds of judging for each team entered. The tournament has no hired judging.  You are required to arrange your own hired judges. All judges are obligated through the first full elim. ALL JUDGES MUST BE AVAILABLE TO JUDGE ONE ROUND AFTER THEIR TEAMS HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED.

AWARDS:  Awards will be presented to all teams qualifying for the elimination rounds in all divisions of debate.  Awards will be given to the top speakers in all divisions of debate. Speaker awards will be given at the tournament, elim awards will be mailed.

REGISTRATION:  Debate registration begins at 1:00pm Friday, October 14 in the Roosevelt Hall lobby. The pairings for rounds 1 and 2 will be released shortly after registration.

TOURNAMENT HOTEL:  We didn’t reserve hotel blocks this year as the rates were the same as advertised rates and there is no in-town event that could potentially limit availability. We recommend any of the hotels around the Industrial exit of I-35

ENTRY DEADLINE:  Entries must be received by Monday, October 10.  Please enter your teams on Tabroom.com.  You will be charged for entries dropped after the deadline.  Judge preference will be turned on after the entry deadline.  All prefs must be completed prior to registration.




Note about challenge matching: Challenge format will be used in all appropriate OPEN elims. JV/Novice will use standard pairing format for all elims. All challenges will be in the Roosevelt Hall Lobby.

Friday, October 14th

1:00-2:30p      REGISTRATION (Roosevelt Hall Lobby)

2:30p              Pairings rounds 1 & 2

3:00p              Round 1 (pre-set)

5:30p              Round 2 (pre-set)

(snacks & popcorn provided in Roosevelt Hall Lobby all day Friday)

Saturday, October 15th

8:00a              BREAKFAST (Roosevelt Hall Lobby)

8:30a              PAIRINGS

9:00a              Round 3

11:30-12:45p   LUNCH (Hornet’s Nest, Union)

12:45p            Round 4 (pairing at 12:15)

3:30p              Round 5 (pairing ASAP following round 4)         

5:30-6:30p     DINNER (Hornet’s Nest, Union)                       

7:00p              Round 6 (pairing at 6:30)

(popcorn & hot apple cider provided in Roosevelt Hall Lobby 2-7p)

Sunday, October 16th

8:00a              BREAKFAST (Roosevelt Hall Lobby)

8:30a              Challenge Pairing & Coin Flips for Open (Roosevelt Hall Lobby)

9:00a              PAIRINGS (Novice/JV)

9:30a              Elim Round I

12:00p             AWARDS ASSEMBLY (Roosevelt Hall)

ASAP               Remaining Challenges & Elim rounds

(snacks & popcorn provided in Roosevelt Hall Lobby 10a-7p)