Patriot Powerhouse

2022 — Herriman, UT/US

Patriot Powerhouse Tournament


You are cordially invited to Providence Hall High School on Dec 9th and 10th.  We will be holding an in-person tournament with some Async options, just for some fun.  



In Person: DI, HI, Duo, US Extemp, Foreign Extemp, Novice Mixed Extemp, SPAR, Oratory, Impromptu, Informative, LD, PF, Policy, and Congress.


Async: Declamation, Lip Sync, News Anchor, Storytelling, Poetry, and we are excited to be offering After Dinner Speech.


After Dinner Speech: After Dinner Speech is a 5 min speech event.  It is a satirical event designed to bring awareness to a specific issue.  It is supposed to be funny, but the issue needs to be significant.  


At the end of the speech, the student invites us all to "raise a glass" and proposes a toast.  This toast needs to be topical to the speech that they've given and needs to fit smoothly as a conclusion to their speech.  

Deadlines:  Registration is due by Monday November 28th.  The deadline for changes is Wed, November 30th.  After that, there will be a nuisance fee for changes.  For changes or problems, please contact Steve Porter (


Fees: There is a $15 per day school fee.  $4 per student per event.   Make checks out to Providence Hall High School.


Topics: We will be using the Nov/Dec topics for LD and PF.  


Events:  There will be a Varsity and a Novice division, unless the numbers aren’t there.


Congress: Congress houses will be 2 ½ hour long.  The docket will be using resolutions from  


Awards:  There will be medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.  There will also be a Sweepstakes Trophy for Large Schools and Small Schools.


Judges: Please make sure that you have enough judges so that we aren’t there all night.  Judges should have a Tabroom account, since we will be doing all online ballots.


Food: We will have food trucks each day of the tournament.  Food and drinks are only allowed in the cafeteria and commons area.  Food will be provided for judges and coaches.  




Check in 2:30 pm

Speech Round 1 3:30pm - 4:45pm

Speech Round 2 4:45pm - 6:00pm

Dinner 6:00pm - 6:30pm

Speech Round 3   6:30pm - 8:00pm

Final Rounds if needed 8:00pm - 9:00pm






Round 1 8:30am - 10:00am

Round 2 10:05am - 11:30am

Round 3 12:00pm - 1:30pm

Round 4 1:35pm - 3:00pm





Round 1 8:30am - 9:30am

Round 2 9:35am - 10:35am

Round 3 10:40am - 11:40am

Round 4 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Round 5 1:00pm - 2:00pm




Round 1 8:30am - 10:00am

Round 2 10:05am - 11:55pm

Round 3 12:00pm - 1:30pm

Round 4 1:35 - 3:00pm




Session 1 8:30am - 10:30am

Session 2 10:45am - 12:45pm

Bloodbath 1:00pm - 3:00pm