MDTA JVNovice State Championship
2022 — Eagan, MN/US
Welcome to the 28th annual JV/Novice Debate Championships. Eagan High School is excited to host the state of Minnesota’s up and coming debaters. This year’s JV/Novice Championships will feature Junior Varsity Policy, Novice Policy A, Novice Policy B, Junior Varsity Lincoln-Douglas, Novice Lincoln-Douglas, Junior Varsity Public Forum, Novice Public Forum Debate, Junior Varsity Congressional Debate and Novice Congressional Debate.
This year will see the return of all debaters to in-person competition at the JV/Novice State Championship. We hope that you are excited for what is sure to be our finest JV/Novice State ever.
Tournament Entries: All tournament entries will be made on the website, which can be found All entries must be registered on the website no later thanFriday November 25th at 5:00 PM and all changes to your entry made no later than 5:00 PM onWednesday November 30th. After this deadline your team fees will be set and the tournament will not accept any new entries to the tournament. All teams are encouraged to phone Chris McDonald at 651-283-5976 on Friday December 2nd to confirm their team’s entry is correct on that day before arriving for registration.
Entry Fees: Congressional Debate entries will be $20.00 per entry, Policy debate entries will be $30.00 per team, Public Forum entries will be $30.00 per team and all LD entries will be $20.00 per entry. Please make all entry fee checks payable to “Eagan High School Forensic Boosters”. The W9 for our booster group is posted on the main page for JV/Novice State at You can send your entry fees to:
Eagan High School Forensic Boosters
P.O. Box 21174
Eagan, MN 55121
Judges: You will have to provide 1 judge for every 2 entries in Public Forum, Lincoln-Douglas and Policy Debate. In Congress you will need to provide 1 judge for every 6 entries. Yes, seniors and seniors only may judge at JV/Novice State in the novice division but cannot be more than 50% of your school’s judges in that division. This means if you owe 2 judges in PF you can enter 1 senior in high school and 1 adult judge to cover those two judge slots. Please try to cover all of your entries.
GeneralDebate Information:InPolicy,LD and PFthe first two rounds will be pre-set and all subsequent rounds will be powered high-low within brackets. Brackets in elimination rounds will not be broken so if two debate entries from the same school are matched up in elimination rounds, the decision of which debater will advance will be left to the school’s coaching staff to either advance an entry without debating or have the entries debate the round.
Congressional Debate: This year we will run 3 full 2-hour preliminary sessions and then break to quarterfinals (top 48, if entry numbers warrant), Semifinals (top 24) and Finals (top 12). All legislation is due no later than Monday November 14th at midnight. Legislation may be emailed to DJ Brynteson We are attempting to coordinate the legislation writing process with the MSHSL Section Congress Tournament that will be held at Eagan High School in conjunction with JV/Novice State.
Policy - Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its security cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in one or more of the following areas: artificial intelligence, biotechnology, cybersecurity.
Lincoln Douglas - Resolved: The People’s Republic of China ought to prioritize environmental protection over economic growth.
Public Forum - Resolved: The United States’ strategy of Great Power Competition produces more benefits than harms.
All MDTAnovice topic and argument limits will be in effect throughout this tournament. Judges must abide by all MDTA novice topic and argument limits.
Food: Our parent booster club will provide an ample selection of foodfor sale to all contestants and other individuals in attendance as spectators down in our student commons area. We ask that everyone stay at EHS and make use of our concession stand in order to keep the tournament running on time. For all of our coaches and judges in attendance our parent booster club, along with my wife Ceil, will be providing the usual array of homemade soup, baked goods and other treats throughout the weekend. Please note that because dinner is a little later than normal on Friday evening, we will be providing ample snacks in our coaches/judges lounge for you to snack on as well as selling a wide variety of snacks to our competitors throughout the tournament day.