Canyon Tascosa Swing TFA NIETOC

2022 — Amarillo, TX/US

The Speech and Debate Teams at Canyon and Tascosa High Schools cordially invite you to attend the Canyon/Tascosa TFA/NIETOC Swing November 4-5, 2022. All rounds will take place at Tascosa High School. We will offer all TFA events, and will also offer Poetry, Prose, Impromptu. Duo Improv, and Original Spoken Word Poetry. Both halves of the swing are NIETOC qualifiers!

Students may enter three events in Pattern A, three events in Pattern B, and three events in Pattern C.  Students may not enter both extemps in Pattern C.  Debate and Congress may only cross enter in Pattern C. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE WILL BREAK BRACKETS IN DEBATE. Patterns A and B may not enter Debate or Congress.  Entries are due by 7:00 pm, November 1. Please make sure drops are entered by 12:00 pm on November 2. We will be using the TFA Fall 2022 Congress docket which can be found at:

Canyon Congress Prelims will use items 11-15

Canyon Congress Finals will use items 16-20

Tascosa Congress Prelims will use items 21-25

Tascosa Congress Finals will use items 26-30


LD, CX, and PFD will use the NSDA resolutions current for November 2022.

WSD will use the following motions:

Round 1: Impromptu Motion (Motion will be announced in Room 2220). 

Round 2: This House believes that the environmental rights of future generations supersede the economic interests of current generations. 

Round 3: This House supports a maximum age limit for national office holders in the United States.

Semis: Impromptu Motion (Motion will be announced in Room 2220).

Finals: This House regrets the rise of fast fashion. 

Awards in both halves of the swing will be offered to:

Individual awards for all finalists in all events (top 8 in Congress)

Team sweepstakes trophies for the top five schools (listed in alphabetical order)

Outstanding Speaker (Extemp, OO, Impromptu, Informative)

Outstanding Interper (HI, DI, Poetry, Prose, Duo, Duet, POI, Original Spoken Word Poetry, Duo Improv)

We will also recognize Outstanding CX, LD, PFD, and WSD debate Speakers (Based on prelim speaker points).

Tascosa will continue its tradition of recognizing the Outstanding Speaker and Outstanding Interper with the Ann Shofner Award, and the Marti Kirk Award. These awards celebrate the lasting legacy left by two of Tascosa's most storied and celebrated coaches. 

Tascosa will also offer the Spirit of the Panhandle Award. This award will be given to one student that competes in at least 5 different events at both the Canyon portion of the swing and the Tascosa portion of the swing and accumulates the most sweepstakes points in those events.

We are pleased to announce that we will also be recognizing one outstanding student with the G.L.O.W. (Go Light Our World) Award. This award will go to one student that may not be the most competitively successful, but who consistently strives through their actions and attitude to be a positive influence on their team, in their school, and in the world. Coaches may email a brief statement on why they feel a certain student should win the award. Please make sure to email nominations to Ryan Lovell at by noon on November 1. 


Team sweepstakes awards will be calculated as follows

IEs, Duo, Duet, Congress

12 points- 1st place

10 points- 2nd place

8 points- 3rd place

6 points- 4th place

4 points- 5th place- 8th place

Debate (Debate sweepstakes points will count for the Canyon portion of the swing)

12 points- 1st place

10 points- 2nd place

8 points- Non-advancing semi finalists

4 points- Non-advancing quarter finalists

Entry Fees are:

$20 - LD, PFD, CX, WSD

$15 - HI, DI, POI, Duo, Duet, Poery, Prose, DX, FX, Oratory, Informative

$12 - Impromptu, Duo Improv, Original Spoken Word Poetry

The schedule will be as follows:

Pattern A: HI, Prose, Duet

Pattern B: DI, Poetry, Duo, POI

Pattern C: DX, FX, Oratory, Informative, Impromptu, Duo Improv, Original Spoken Word Poetry

Friday November 4

4:30 pm       Canyon Rd 1 Pattern A, Rd 1 LD, PFD, CX, WSD Impromptu Motion Released, Canyon Congress Prelims

5:30 pm Canyon Rd 1 Pattern B, Rd 1 WSD (Impromptu Motion)

6:30 pm       Rd 2 LD, PFD, CX, WSD (Prepared Motion)

6:45 pm Tascosa Rd 1 Pattern A

7:30 PM       Tascosa Congress Prelims

7:45 pm Tascosa Rd 1 Pattern B

8:30 PM       Rd 3 Debate

9:00 PM       Canyon Semis Pattern A&B

Saturday November 5

7:30 am       Tascosa Semis Pattern A, Canyon Congress Finals, WSD Semis Impromptu Motion Released

8:00 am       Quarters LD, PFD, CX

8:30 am Tascosa Semis Pattern B

9:30 am Canyon Rd 1 Pattern C

11:00 am Tascosa Rd 1 Pattern C

12:30 pm Canyon Finals Pattern A, Semis LD, PFD, CX, Finals WSD (Prepared Motion), Tascosa Congress Finals

1:30 pm Canyon Finals Pattern B

2:30 pm Canyon Pattern C Semis

4:00 pm Tascosa Pattern C Semis

5:15 pm Tascosa Finals Pattern A&B, Finals LD, PFD, CX

6:30 pm Canyon Pattern C Finals

7:45 pm Tascosa Pattern C Finals

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Ryan Lovell at, or call at 806-640-8988.