The Great Swiftie Debates

2022 — San Mateo, CA/US

Welcome to the Great Swiftie Debates!

This debate is the culmination of several 1000+ message arguments in Serious Parli Discussion and will decide the answer to the ultimate question plaguing the debate team all year: is Nueva Parli officially a Swiftie team? 

You can find the tournament rules here.

Resolution: Thank you, Taylor.


Affirmative Team Members:

PMC: Lilli Graham

MG: Esha Shah

PMR: Riyana Srihari

Aff Flex: Anjuli Mishra

Neg Flex: Lauren Stoffel


Negative Team Members:

LOC: Ben Jonker

MO: Dr. Samuel Joseph Timinsky, MA PHD

LOR: Davis Turner

Aff Flex: Izzy Xu

Neg Flex: Nate Bomze


Judges: Tim Zhu (Chair), Sid Chatterjee, Abi Wee, Pascal Descollonges, and Eug Xu


Protest/Equity: Ginnie Kerr


Tournament Director: Mystery- to be revealed.


Schedule: Monday, May 23rd @ 3:15: Championship Round