Washington State IE Tournament

2022 — Online, WA/US

Awards, and Pre-Awards Festivities - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81298914015?pwd=NkVzQ1hsSXV0SVJpc05XTEF0VjdaUT09

This tournament is the Washington State Championships for Individual Events/Speech. To compete you must have qualified through the qualifying process of your WIAA district and have paid dues to the WSFA.  No independent or middle school entries are allowed.


Pre-recorded/asynch videos should start with an untimed introduction stating that the recording is for the 2022 Washington State Individual Event(or Speech) Tournament.


If people would like to order WIAA State Championship apparel, they may do so here: https://rushteamapparel.com/wiaa/wiaa-state/winter-championship-events/wiaa-speech-debate-2022/


Saturday, March 5

Tournament code released for the intro to asynchronous speeches.

Wednesday, March 9

9:00 pm – Video URLs must be submitted to the tabroom.com website

Thursday, March 10

Tab will section rounds and prepare ballots

7:00 pm - Ballots for asynchronous events released

Friday, March 11

3:00 pm – Reminder sent to all judges with unstarted ballots

8:00 pm – Reminder sent to all judges with unfinished ballots

Saturday, March 12

9:00 am – Asynchronous Ballots Due, fines assessed for unfinished ballots. Ballot reassignment.

9:00 am – Rd. 1 Impromptu

10:00 am – Rd. 1 Extemp Prep

10:30 am – Rd. 1 Extemp

11:30 am – Rd. 2 Impromptu

12:30 pm – Rd. 2 Extemp Prep

1:00 pm – Rd. 2 Extemp

1:00 pm – Asynchronous Final Ballots Released

2:00 pm – Rd. 3 Impromptu

3:00 pm – Rd. 3 Extemp Prep

3:30 pm – Rd. 3 Extemp

5:00 pm – Final Round Impromptu

5:00 pm – Final Round Extemp prep

6:00 pm – Asynchronous Final Ballots Due

6:30 pm – Final Round Extemp

6:30 pm – Pre-Awards Festivities

8:00 pm - Awards