2022 WBFL League Debate 4
2022 — NSDA Campus, CA/US
8am Registration Opens
8:30 am Judge check-in by this time/Instructions
8:30 am Parli Prep
9:00 am RD 1 PAR, RD 1 PF, RD 1 POL
10:00 am RD 1 LD
11:00 am RD 2 PAR, RD 2 PF
12:00 pm RD 2 LD, RD 2 POL
1:00 pm RD 3 PAR, RD 3 PF
2:00 pm RD 3 LD
3:00 pm RD 4 PAR, RD 4 PF, RD 3 POL
4:00 pm RD 4 LD
5:15 pm Awards
Happy to announce our last regular league debate tournament. IMPORTANT--this tournament will be using March topics for Public Forum and LD, even though it is during February. This is because it always uses the topic that will be used for State Qualifiers.
We are offering four debate events: OPEN POLICY, OPEN PARLI, OPEN PUBLIC FORUM, OPEN LD
Note: This is the last opportunity to secure eligibility for the state qualifier tournaments. League rule is that to compete at state quals, a student must have competed at a league tournament this academic season in a debate event. Any debate event qualifies you for any other debate event. But you must have attended the full tournament (i.e., you can't leave after rd 3 during a four round tournament). EXCEPTION for policy--we haven't been able to run a league tournament on policy because of insufficient school/entry interest. For this last league tournament, schools should enter any team that wants to be eligible for state quals. If we can't run a league tournament on policy again and cancel that event, then any team that has previously been entered in policy can compete in policy at state quals. If the team has not entered yet, they should make sure to sign up for this league tournament. To prevent loophole, though, this exception does not qualify a debater for other debate events; there have been opportunities to compete in the other debate events. If you have questions, please feel free to ask me on SLACK.
SCHEDULE TBD, but you can use old ones for a guide.
[Note: We always expedite as soon as we can. Please checking tabroom for updates.]
8:00 am Registration Opens
8:30 am Judges must check-in by this time and Judge Instructions
8:30 am Parli Prep starts for Round 1 (it is always 30 min before the round)
9:00 am Debate starts...
5:15pm AWARDS (we should be done by 5:30pm)
LD Topic (Mar/Apr) Resolved: In a democracy, a free press ought to prioritize objectivity over advocacy.
PF Topic (Mar) Resolved: In the United States, the benefits of increasing organic agriculture outweigh the harms.
POL Topic (2021-2022) Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its protection of water resources in the United States.
PARLI topics change each round.
Judges need to create accounts with Tabroom in order to access ballots and links. Here is a help tutorial on how to link their account to the tournament:
Here is some information for judges on how to use an online ballot:
1. The page with all of the invitation information is located under the WEBSITE tab/link above.
2. We need 1 JUDGE for every 3 entries (a team counts as one entry).
3. If you want to get involved in the detailed discussions about how the league tournament is going to be run (since we're all figuring this out for the first time), there is a special channel for #debate in the SLACK that every coach has been invited to. Talk to our league president if you aren't in the SLACK.
4. We will try to make AWARDS special. Please make every effort to have every student appear at awards. We are going to use ZOOM for the awards ceremony. Link to be provided. Students should remain in competition clothing for awards since winner's feeds WILL BE HIGHLIGHTED for everyone to see. We will be taking screenshots of these winners' feeds for any recognition of winners. So please be present.
5. Hired Judges. If you are having trouble getting judges, tabroom does offer a Hired Judge Exchange. There are many people who have offered their services as judging. Under the Judges tab, you can hire them. They are not anyone vetted or endorsed by WBFL. These are people who looked on tabroom and offered their services as a judge. You are responsible for talking to them, making sure you are ok with them judging for your school, and working out whatever arrangement you can agree on. If there is any question about them, issue with them, etc., it is something you must handle directly with them. Tabroom.com simply makes it known that these judges have offered their judging services for the people at the tournament.
6. Fees. ONLINE PAYMENT OPTION Payments may also be made on Paypal to paypal.me/WBFL or @WBFL on the mobile app. Please make sure the school name is in the comment and that the payment matches the amount due listed on tab. The treasurer has asked that tournament payments be made by Thursday or postmarked on Thursday. Contact James Zucker if you have any questions.
7. If this is the school's first tournament for the season, you must also make sure that the league form and $100 fee is included. For more information ask James Zucker.
a) There will be a special ZOOM link for PARLI PREP that will serve as the prep room for the entire tournament.
b) When it's time for prep, everyone in parli should go to the zoom room. Make sure you type your full name exactly as it appears on TABROOM. This has to be IDENTICAL to what is in TABROOM or the prep room won't work. Even if you go by something different, it must match. This is critical. Note: when you enter the zoom room, you may have to "rename" yourself to match how you were entered in TABROOM.
c) Roll will be taken visually based on the participant list in TABROOM. We will try to notify coach if someone is missing, but we may not have the time to. So it is your burden to make sure parli teams are there. We do not promise to find you.
d) Topic will be announced. Then "breakout" rooms will be activated. These will have been pre-assigned. That's why the EXACT NAME on tabroom must be the name you use on Zoom. Each participant will see a pop-up window saying that they have been invited to a breakout room. They must ACCEPT that invitation. That's where they will see their partner and they can prep together.
e) After 20 minutes, the proctor will CLOSE breakout rooms and people will be prompted to either return to the main room or just exit altogether. You can go back to main room if you have a question or something, but you can just exit.
f) Go back to the PAIRINGS for the round and the link under ROOM will take you right to your competition room. When you leave the prep room, go immediately to the competition room.
g) If for any reason you get kicked out of the breakout room while you're preparing, and need to go back, just go back into prep and the proctor can send you to the breakout room.