Iowa City Cross River Classic

2022 — NSDA Campus, IA/US







FEBRUARY 25-27, 2021






Tab Room Link:


Passcode (if needed): 397412


Iowa City West, Liberty and City High Schools welcome you to our first ever tri-school online tournament! This year we are offering more than we have ever offered in the past. The three Iowa City Community School District High Schools have combined their efforts to provide Policy Debate, Lincoln Douglas Debate, Public Forum Debate and Speech Main Individual Events.


The Iowa City Cross River Classic is a Tournament of Champions bid in CX debate at the finals level.

Based on our entry and judge numbers, we will offer an appropriate level of prefs and strikes in CX.




Independent entries will be admitted only with confirmation of these criteria:

           Permission of the school administrator via a letter on school letterhead

           Verification of parent permission via a letter

Certification of a judge who can judge the full commitment. This includes all elimination rounds that are required.



LD- Resolved: The appropriation of outer space by private entities is unjust.


CX- Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its protection of water resources in the United States.

           Note to CX coaches- Novice and Varsity will not have any limits. All arguments are open for debate.



Entry Fees and Payment Information

$85 per varsity Policy team

$50 per novice Policy team

$30 per open Lincoln Douglas team

$40 per varsity Public Forum team

$30 per novice Public Forum team

$10 per Speech Entry ($35 for Duo held asynchronously) 


Judge Info and Hired Judge Fees


Judging is done by team commitments. In all debate events, the ratio is 1 judge for every 2 teams. This is not the same as a round commitment system. If you are entered as a judge, you are obligated for the entire time your team is in. Judges are required to serve in all assigned rounds. For elimination rounds, judges are obligated for the first full elimination round (partial elimination rounds do not count) and one round beyond your teams elimination. So, if your team did not break, and the tournament breaks to a partial octofinal, you are obligated for octos. If your team broke and was eliminated in quarters, you are obligated for semifinals.


We have a very limited amount of hired judges available. If you need a hired judge, please let us know ASAP. Until we confirm that we can meet your hired request, your request is not considered filled. Also, you are not allowed to hire out your team’s entire commitment.


Policy- $200

LD- $200





Nuisance Fees


Judge Replacement Fee per round a judge does not show up for: $125

Judge round off/ early departure requests after the judge deadline closes: $200



Fees will automatically be calculated and can be found on your Tabroom invoice.

All fees must be received before or at registration unless other arrangements are made prior to the tournament.  Checks should be made payable to ‘Iowa City West Debate’ and can be mailed prior to the tournament to 2901 Melrose Ave, Iowa City, IA 52246. 

If it is impossible to pay ahead of time or at registration due to your district's financial protocols, please notify John prior to the tournament, and we would appreciate a copy of a payment request be turned into us at registration.  Thank you for your understanding.

All schools will be expected to provide a check at registration unless the check was mailed or arrangements were made ahead of time.  Entry fees will be final as of Friday, February 12th at 5:00 PM. 



Speech Schedule- Friday Only


(double-entry permitted)


Round 1 - 4:15 pm


Round 2 - 5:45 pm


(Dinner break)


Round 3 - 7:15 pm


Final (size of final TBD) - 8:45 pm


Extemp schedule (**Friday** only)


Round 1 Draw - 3:45 pm


Round 1 - 4:15 pm


Round 2 Draw - 5:15 pm


Round 2 - 5:45 pm


Round 3 Draw - 6:45 pm


Round 3 - 7:15 pm


Final Draw - 8:15 pm


Final (size of final TBD) - 8:45 pm




PF/LD Schedule - Saturday Only


PF/LD Round 1 - 8:00 AM


PF/LD Round 2 - 9:15 AM


PF/LD Round 3 10:30 AM


PF/LD Round 4 - 12:15 PM


PF/LD Round 5 - 1:30 PM


PF/LD Octos - 2:45 PM


PF/LD Quarters - 4:00 PM


PF/LD Semis - 5:00 PM


PF/LD Finals - 6:00 PM


 Also, here is the PF and LD schedule. All times are in Central, and rounds will be on Saturday only. 




PF/LD Round 1 - 8:00 AM


PF/LD Round 2 - 9:15 AM


PF/LD Round 3 10:30 AM


PF/LD Round 4 - 12:15 PM


PF/LD Round 5 - 1:30 PM


PF/LD Octos - 2:45 PM


PF/LD Quarters - 4:00 PM


PF/LD Semis - 5:00 PM


PF/LD Finals - 6:00 PM


Thank you so much for considering our tournament and please feel free to contact the tournament with any questions or concerns.

With gratitude,

John H. Cooper, Iowa City West Director of Forensics

Vince Woolums, Iowa City City Head Debate Coach

Kalen McCain, Iowa City Liberty Head Debate Coach