RivUR City Invitational

2023 — Richmond, VA/US

Hi y’all!

Welcome to the ~inaugural~ (and hopefully) annual RivUR City Collegiate Invitational (RCCI) hosted on Friday, February 11th through Saturday, February 12th, 2022.

The University of Richmond is delighted to host a tournament utilizing best of both physical and virtual worlds in the modern era. While the tournament will be physically hosted on campus, we will be utilizing Tabroom for online ballots to help save time and resources. This requires BOTH judges AND competitors to sign up for a Tabroom account (I promise it is super easy to do). Coaches, you will have to make sure that the account is linked to your school so you can also have easy access to ballots and other logistical information moving forward. Please note that during registration the day of the tournament, we will have people in our own physical Tabroom (Weinstein 400, aka “The Debate Room”) and via Zoom to help you out during the process as this might be a bit of a learning curve for some.

Feel free to e-mail zach.perry@richmond.edu with any additional questions pertaining to the tournament.


The schedule, campus directory, and list of resources are posted on the home page of the tournament. As a general rule of thumb, if you are ever lost on Tabroom, hit your e-mail to bring you back to the main page. DO NOT be tempted by the “Home” button- it lies!! Take special note of the rules since this circuit might vary from what you are used to. If there is any discrepancy in rule violation, do NOT disqualify someone unless it is an egregious offense regarding personal attacks. Regardless of the offense, bring the concern to tab as soon as the round finishes so we can address it. If it is not brough to tab immediately following the round, we will default to a neutral stance and let the current tabulation stand.


Make sure you mark what kind of events your judges are most familiar/comfortable with (or simply put “lay” if they have no experience) that way we can try and align them in the appropriate category.


Please, please, PLEASE update your paradigm so the competitors can adequately adapt their cases to the round. It also helps prevent you from having to explain why spreading or using certain types of theory is wasting your time in your RFDs. If you are a “lay” (parent/inexperienced) judge, that is totally fine! Just put “lay” just in the paradigm ????. Please have your phone/computer handy and refreshed right before the round so that you are properly notified via text/e-mail/zoom just in case a competitor is running late or there are any shifts in the round.


Please show up to your round 10 minutes prior to the start so we can make sure no one is missing and keep on schedule. If you are going to be late (either from a delay or double/triple entry), please notify your coach AND tab (via Zoom) so we can confirm you are accounted for ^.^

Zoom Users:

When using Zoom, please put your first and last name, pronouns, school, event, and room number you are in so we can properly assist you.