2021 Bob Jones Academy Speech and Debate 35th Invitational
2021 — NSDA Campus, SC/US
Awards Program:
Bob Jones Academy
35th Invitational Tournament
NIETOC Bid tournament
Saturday, October 16, 2021
BJA will run synchronously in ALL events.
16 Featured Events:
Original Oratory Dramatic Interpretation
Informative Speaking Humorous Interpretation
Prepared Extemporaneous Speaking Duo Interpretation
Impromptu (varsity and novice) Prose/Poetry
Expository Program Oral Interpretation
Declamation (9th-10th grades) Children’s Literature
Congress (novice and varsity) Novice Reading
Lincoln Douglas Debate (novice and varsity division if enough entries)
Public Forum Team Debate - (novice and varsity divisions if enough entries)
Double/Triple Entries:
Public Forum Debaters, Congress, and Lincoln-Douglas Debaters may NOT double enter.
Speech contestants may triple enter.
Extempers may double enter in all individual interpretation events.
Novice Reading, Novice Impromptu and Declamation will be limited to double entries.
We reserve the right to cancel events that do not have enough entries.
Extemp Topics will be released 24 hours in advance of round one.
Registration must be completed by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, October 12, 2021. Please email questions to Chuck or Gail.
Final Registration by Friday, October 15 beginning at 12:00 p.m. until Saturday, October 16 by 8:00 a.m. Online (Tabroom.com)
Payment - Plans for the tournament are made based on the initial registration; therefore, all entries as of Noon October 14 will be liable for all fees incurred. Checks should be made to Bob Jones Academy with “speech/debate tournament” written on the notes line.
Mail to Chuck Nicholas 127 Baldwin Circle, Mauldin, SC 29662
Contact Chuck or Gail Nicholas 864-270-8556 (home/cell)
E-mail: cnichols@bobjonesacademy.net OR gnichols@bobjonesacademy.net
We are looking forward to “seeing” you on October 16!