Salado Online UIL 6 Dec 4th
2021 — NSDA Campus, TX/US
Welcome to the Virtual Salado UIL Speech and Debate Meet! We will offer all traditional UIL speaking events (CX debate, LD debate, Congress, Persuasive, Information, Prose and Poetry. These tournaments are intended for schools or teams that prefer "UIL style" forensics.
We will be using tabroom for registration and balloting. We will use NSDA campus for virtual rounds.
For information on how to make a tabroom account check out this video:
For information on how to register for the tournament after creating an account is here:
Keep in mind students will need to have their own tabroom account created and linked to the school/institution they attend and an email address attached/linked to their account.
Here is a video to help you link your students to their accounts:
Please use to test both the practice space and the competition space before Saturday. If you have issues, let me know ASAP.
For any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Tim Cook at or Julian Erdmann at
Here is a document with a list of FAQs that have come up over the past few weeks. FAQs
Here is a document with some helpful tips from the Texas Forensic Association for competitors regarding their events. Competitor Guide
Final rounds will be recorded for educational purposes. Registration in the tournament results in consent to be recorded.
Entry Fees (Students may cross-enter) (Students may NOT cross-enter Congress and Debate)
Congress, Interp, Extemp $20 per competitor
LD $30 per competitor
CX $50 per team
Judge Fees
All missing judge fees are $125
1 judge for every 2 entries or less for CX
1 judge for every 4 entries or less for LD
1 judge for every 6 entries or less for IE/Congress
CX Debate: Policy debate will use the 2021 - 2022 topic. Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its protection of water resources in the United States.
LD Debate: LD Debate will use the UIL Fall 2021 topic.
Resolved: When in conflict, environmental protection ought to take precedence over natural resource extraction.
Congress Docket:
- A Bill to Abolish Gifted and Talented Programs to End Education Inequality
- A Bill to Abolish Plea Bargains
- A Bill to Ban Gun Silencers
- A Resolution to Promote US Interests in the Middle East
- A Bill to Increase Homeless Shelters to Rehabilitate the Homeless
The Docket is locked. Must be done in order.
Legislation can be found here
Fall 2021