Wyoming College Tournament

2021 — Online, WY/US

Welcome to the third annual Wyo Online! 

Platform: ZRM


Zoom Links


Friday: https://uwyo.zoom.us/j/97617605192

Saturday: https://uwyo.zoom.us/j/98220634844

Sunday: https://uwyo.zoom.us/j/93010345524



Friday: https://uwyo.zoom.us/j/95430570398

Saturday: https://uwyo.zoom.us/j/97438633711

Sunday: https://uwyo.zoom.us/j/93521857196


What's different at Wyoming:

1. Speaker point ties are allowed.

2. Screen-sharing is enabled. The team/debaters assigned to give a speech or cross-ex are the only ones who should do so. Like all other participant actions, they must comport with CEDA, ABAP, own school policies, and [UW] policies on appropriate academic engagement.



Rather than create no breaks or frequent large breaks, we have built in dedicated times for meals. We highly suggest leaning into the time zone change and mentally situating yourself in Mountain Time for the weekend. 


Naming Convention


X should be D, J, or O, for Debater, Judge, or Observer. Ex: J-UWyo-Matt Liu (he/him)

Insert "NO" after 'X' if you'd like to decline observers. Ex: D-NO-UWyo-Ki Radcliffe.


Fees: $40/team. Covers awards, shipping, and tab.

Payable at: https://secure.touchnet.net/C27222_ustores/web/store_main.jsp?STOREID=90&SINGLESTORE=true


Tab Room

The tab room will be on Zoom. You can also find Nick or I at:

Nick Ryan: nryan2wc@gmail.com, 540-604-0143 

Matt Liu: mliu6@uwyo.edu, 703-554-4628


Recording functionality (more on recording in the full invite). If all parties involved in a specific debate consent, you will be able to record directly from Zoom. Those interested in doing so will need to be granted recording permission from their ZRM (so return to the main room and ask your ZRM and they will give you the ability to record). Beginning a recording will trigger an affirmative consent pop-up in Zoom, so please do not start recording mid-speech. Of course, the telltale red light will also appear in the upper left corner of Zoom. Rationale: the ability to covertly record is inevitable, so making an easily accessible, *visible* recording function available seems useful. 


Address form (awards)https://forms.gle/NwnjknYbeRPDXyyh8