DMPS Middle School 3 Spring

2021 — Des Moines, IA/US
This tournament is exclusively for Des Moines Public School Middle Schools.
SCHEDULE  **If rounds run late, we may change the time by adding 10-15 minutes to the original start time-- please be checking the email and text notifications!

Round 1 - 4:15 tech check; 4:30 round start

Round 2 - 5:45 tech check; 6:00 round start

Round 3 - 7:00 tech check; 7:15 round start

  • Please be in the virtual room by that tech check time.
  • Competitors and judges will see round 1 first, then the other rounds will get posted per the schedule.
  • Judges: once they see all students are present in the room, click the Start on tabroom to begin the ballot. This should be done by the round start time so we can keep the tournament running.
  • We have an odd number of teams, so there may be a judge who is given an "off" round (no judging). They could still be used in another round.
  • A team may be given a "bye" for a round bc of the odd number of entries, please don't leave the tournament unless you got a bye for Round 3 which is the last round >> "bye" = you automatically win the round bc there wasn't an even number of teams to pair up. 
If you want to receive text message notifications for when you have a round, students and judges can go to Profile at the top of their tabroom accounts and update their phone number and cell provider.