WBFL League Debate 4

2021 — NSDA Campus, CA/US


8:00 AM Registration Opens

8:30 AM Judge Orientation / Check In By this Time

9:00 AM PUBLIC FORUM / PARLI - Round 1

Note: Parli Prep will always be 30 minutes prior. So look for prep announcements 30 min prior.

10:00 AM LD - Round 1

11:00 AM PUBLIC FORUM / PARLI - Round 2

12:00 PM Lunch Break

12:30 PM LD - Round 2

1:30 PM PUBLIC FORUM / PARLI - Round 3

2:30 PM LD Round 3

3:30 PM PUBLIC FORUM / PARLI - Round 4

4:30 PM LD Round 4

4:30PM  WBFL Social (until Awards)... this is something new that will be something you don't want to miss.  All students/coaches invited.. and the courageous curious parent/judge is welcome too.  Stay-tuned.  There will be a tabroom link and coaches will have a direct link.  The link will be unveiled at 4:30pm.

6:00 PM Awards for all events

We should be done by 6:15/6:30pm.

Also, here are some important links for the adults. Students should be able to access everything through tabroom/campus that they need.

REGISTRATION/COACHES/TAB ROOM LINK https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81163961626?pwd=RXRMcTZFRTJKSmtQNHQvbFFQalBYQT09 

JUDGES ROOM LINK https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89099947667?pwd=dVJTbmVRSElRWU92eFNvTE81WUhxZz09 

PARLI PREP ROOM LINK https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88623488943?pwd=UkJOVmJIN3A0RFJSRTVadDZ5UXQ5Zz09