The Betty Gunn Invitational at Mountain Brook High School
2021 — Mountain Brook, AL/US
Welcome to the 2021 Mountain Brook High School Betty Gunn Invitational.
We will be using NSDA online campus to offer a virtual tournament this year. We will provide novice and varsity divisions in Lincoln-Douglas and Public Forum debate, as long as the entries can sustain them. We will also offer individual event competitions in Original Oratory, Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, Extemp, Impromptu Speaking, Prose Interpretation, Poetry Interpretation, Program Oral Interp, and Informative Speaking.
Public Forum will debate the February NSDA topic; Respectively, Lincoln Douglas debaters will use the Jan / Feb NSDA topic.
I look forward to seeing all our debate friends, even though it will be 'virtually'!
We will have a limited number of judges for hire. The sooner I know how many hires will be needed, the better.
Please feel free to email me at or text/ call me at 205-281-6307 with any questions.
Elizabeth Wood Weas
Mountain Brook High School
Director of Debate
205-871-3516 ext 7598