BRIDGE Series NYU Global Debate Invitational

2020 — NSDA Campus, CA


The National Speech and Debate Association of Vancouver proudly extends an invitation to your team for our 1st annual NYU Global Debate High School Invitational. NSDA Vancouver is excited to work with NYU as a sponsor to give students the opportunity to compete on the BIGGEST STAGE at elite universities. For more information about debating at NYU click  HERE. NSDA Vancouver is committed to offering comprehensive tournaments that focus on competition, scholarship and access. To that end we have partnered with NYU to offer this exclusive opportunity. 


This tournament will consist of three distinct parts: Admissions Workshop, Novice Teach-In and Competition. On Friday December 11, 2020 the Admissions Workshop will take place. Admissions advisors from New York University and the Director of the Global Debate Fund will join us to talk about debate, applications and admissions. On Sunday December 13, 2020 the Novice Teach-In will take place. NSDA Vancouver will spotlight three educators of distinction and ask them to share their perspective on debate. This teach-in will focus on the following skills and speech: cross-fire, rebuttals, final focus. 


The invitational will be held online and take place on Saturday and Sunday December 12-13, 2020. We intend to offer middle school, novice, junior varsity and varsity divisions of Public Forum and speech events. Our goal is to provide access to speech and debate events, exposure to college preparation and capable judging. We look forward to digitally hosting you this holiday season. 


Click HERE to register.


Benjamin Hagwood I

Executive Director

NSDA Vancouver

418-2150 West Broadway, 

Vancouver, BC, Canada V6K 4L9 


Will Baker, Director

NYU Global Debate Fund

NYU Stern School of Business

Business & Society Program

44 West 4th Street

Kaufman Management Center

Follow us: @NYUGlobalDebate