UIL ESC 12 Regional Congressional Debate
2020 — NSDA Campus, TX/US
The ESC 12 Congressional Debate tournament will be held on November 10, 2020. Teams are expected to register via both Tabroom.com AND the UIL Entry System.
The cost of entry into this tournament is $200.00 per school. Checks can be made out to:
Salado High School
ATTN: Tim Cook
1880 Williams Road
Salado, TX 76571
Judging contracts are available for interested parties. Contracts are for $100 per session. Interested parties can contact Julian Erdmann at julian.t.erdmann@gmail.com for a contract.
The tournament will be held remotely by utilizing the NSDA Campus interface. Please touch base with your home district's technology department to ensure that your students' devices have access to this page. You can test the system here: campus.speechanddebate.org
All participating competitors and judges must have an account on Tabroom.com. Additionally, their account must be synced to their school. This is CRUCIAL to help the meet run.
For information on how to make a tabroom account check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyTqMwhRJpo
For information on how to register for the tournament after creating an account is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc3pdZi5WXM
Keep in mind students will need to have their own tabroom account created and linked to the school/institution they attend and an email address attached/linked to their account.
Here is a video to help you link your students to their accounts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YNrHUweRPA&feature=youtu.be
The schedule of the day is as follows:
Links to each chamber's livestream will become available at 8:00 AM on the morning of the competition. This will allow for each competitor to have a chance to check to make sure that they can access the livestream and troubleshoot any potential technical issues.
Awards will be given for the 1-6 finishers in each conference. Awards will be mailed to home campuses at the conclusion of the meet.