Five Star Invitational MacArthur HS
2020 — Online, TX/US
Please note that this one-day will follow the mandates laid out by the vIQT committee of TFA. This includes all events being virtual. PF, CX, LD, and WSD will not be allowed to cross-enter. Coaches will not be allowed to fulfill multiple judging obligations to adhere to the screen time limitations adopted by TFA.
All entries will be wait-listed initially. This is to be respectful of the need to encourage regional participation first. Extempers will need to be visible in front of their screen for the duration of their prep time. will be utilized for this tournament. All rounds including IEs will be held synchronously. We will not be offering duo or duet.
The September-October NSDA PF and LD topics will be utilized.
WSD topics will be released via this page.
WSD Round 1: This House regrets the dominance of the two-party system in American politics.
WSD Round 2: This House regrets China's investment in Latin America.
Round 3: Impromptu
Finals: Impromptu
Congress will utilize items 1-10 for prelims and 11-18 for finals from the fall TFA docket.