Kickapoo Glendale Sparkman Invitational
2020 — NSDA Campus, MO/US
Welcome to the 2020 Sparkman Invitational hosted by Kickapoo HS (Varsity) and Glendale HS (Novice). Our tournament will run online through campus on October 9th and 10th. All preliminary rounds of individual events (except extemp) will be pre-recorded and must be submitted following the submission guidelines below.
**How to upload videos for asynchronous i.e.s**
Here are the things you need before you can upload the videos:
1 - A link to the video (I have found it easiest to upload if the videos are saved on my school google drive account)
2 - Your entry's name and title of their piece
Here is a video with step-by-step instructions:
***CONTINGENCY PLAN UPDATE - FINAL DOCUMENT - updated 10/3/2020 at 7:30 p.m.***
Please take a few minutes and view this video announcement about the contingency plan and how we are proceeding:
Based on COVID numbers we are going to have to move to the contingency plan. However, because of the hard work of our students recruiting judges and training them to be able to judge from off-site, we are not going to have to limit entries as much as we feared. In order to allow all students to compete, we will need to all come together. This means that between now and Monday, you need to do two things:
1 - Register yourself and your coaches as judges for the tournament. You/ they need to be available to judge every round where your students are entered plus one round after they have been eliminated. Our hope is still to use many community judges, but if we need you to judge and you are not available, it will incur the penalty listed in the contingency plan.
2 – Make sure you have a couple of varsity students who have registered to judge novices. They need to mark that they can only judge novice in the comments section. I have created a couple of videos to help explain to people how to register to judge and they can find them here: :
Please review the contingency plan here. It is a PDF and is not editable.
**Contingency plan video, link, and FAQs 9/28/2020**
Video announcement about contingency planning:
Updates on uploading events and FAQs:
Contingency plan:
**Update about asynchronous i.e.s 9/22/2020**
URL submissions of asynchronous speech events will be uploaded by the coach in tabroom by Wednesday at midnight. There will be an area for each competitor to input their speech.
If students are unable to make it to the synchronous semifinals or finals rounds, please upload the video to the google drive that is in the tabroom instructions. If student files are NOT in the google file, we will assume they are competing in semifinals and finals synchronously.
Here is the online supplement (please be aware that it is a live document):
Here is the invitation in google doc form:
Here is the novice case list:
Here is a set of videos that may be helpful in the transition to online:
How to judge online speech/ debate:
Here are the basic steps:
1 – Typically about 15-20 minutes before the round is supposed to start you will receive both an email and a text message that tells you a round is getting ready to start. It will tell you who is going to be competing in the round as well and the official start time of the round. Please try to get online and ready to start 10 minutes before the round starts to perform a quick sound and technology check.
2 – Once you receive that text message or email, log-on to with your account. If you click your email address in the top right hand corner, it will take you to a page where you should be able to directly access your round to judge. If that doesn’t happen, on the right hand side of the page (after you’ve clicked your email address at the top) there is a panel called “Judging.” If you click “current ballots & panels” it will take you to the round directly.
3 – From there, click the green “start button” to begin the round. You will see a video camera to click on for the video speeches. Please watch the round and judge it based on the speeches that were given. As the speakers are speaking or between speeches, it is a good idea to type out some comments for the speakers. This is the only way that the coaches are able to help improve the students in their abilities since we don’t get to watch the rounds. It is important to provide both positive comments and constructive criticism. You also might want to tell them if there was a particular reason that you voted the way you did. Remember, students need to adapt to you, so if they don’t do a good job, that’s their fault. Here is a document with a breakdown of each of the events that you may judge and what types of things to think about when you are judging them.
4 – When you have finished judging, hit submit. The program will make sure you gave every student a rank and it will ask you to confirm your ballot (if it’s a debate ballot). If it looks good to you then it’s good. Remember, the judge is always right.
Here is a very short video about judging online. It is specifically about judging the speech evens that will be judged asynchronously on Thursday, but it is basically the same process for all other forms of judging (with the big difference being when you’ll get the round assigned to you):