Langham Creek Lobo Invitational TFA NIETOC

2021 — Online - Houston, TX/US

Dear Colleagues,


It is with great pleasure that the we here at LCHS extend an invitation to you and your team to attend the Virtual 2021 Lobo Invitational hosted by Langham Creek High School this February 3rd – 6th, 2021. We will be a TFA qualifying tournament for all TFA events AND we have been selected to be a NIETOC qualifier! Space will be LIMITED, so please register EARLY! This is a great opportunity to get those last-minute state points!

We will be utilizing for our registration mechanism and Classrooms.Cloud as our virtual hosting service. Individual events EXCEPT EXTEMP will be held asynchronously until Finals. Competitors will have the opportunity to enter Extemporaneous Speaking if they do not break in debate events. Please email if interested.

Note: Judging requirements for this year have changed. Please review your judging obligation.

ENTRY RESTRICTIONS: The only schools that may enter this tournament are high school programs that are accredited diploma-awarding institutions. No enrichment schools or programs have standing to enter our tournament. You must be attending a high school and entering as a representative of that high school with an official school sponsor present to compete at this tournament.

A Novice/Junior Varsity Competitor for our tournament is defined as a competitor that is in their first year of competition in either speech or debate.

In DEBATE Divisions we will offer FIVE (5) Preliminary Rounds in Varsity Cross-Examination Debate, FOUR (4) Preliminary Rounds in all other Varsity & JV Debate Divisions with the exception of JV Policy which will have THREE (3).

 We will NOT break brackets.

In SPEECH Divisions, we will offer ONE (1) Preliminary Round in ALL Divisions.

Please NOMINATE a deserving Coach or Sponsor for the annual 2021 Lobo Invitational Coaching Award! Find out more information and the google form submission page on our "Coaching Award" page found on the right hand side of the Pages panel. 

Contract Judges: If you would like to be a contract judge for our tournament, we are paying $175 for a full commitment. We expect our judges to be present through the duration of the tournament and accept any ballot assigned to them regardless of the event. Debate Judges are expected to flow, take notes and pay attention to the debate. IE Judges are expected to take notes and offer substantive critiques for the competitors. Feel free to sign up on this website by clicking here and make sure to send an email to Ryan Hennessey (

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email Ryan Hennessey at or Eric Beane at We hope to see you all soon!
