El Cerrito Berman Parli Invitational
2021 — NSDA Campus, CA/US
Payment info (also found on your invoice):
You may pay by check or Paypal.
Checks: FOECF c/o JJ Thorp 521 Washington Avenue Richmond, CA 94801.
Paypal to ecforensics@gmail.com
Payment must be received no later than January 20.
Greetings to All,
El Cerrito High School Speech and Debate warmly invites you to attend our second annual Berman Invitational, a one-day tournament featuring both parliamentary debate and individual events. The tournament will offer four prelims in debate and three prelims in IEs, all breaking to finals.
The tournament will be held on Saturday, January 23, 2021, online using NSDA Campus. It has been autoapproved for NPDL points in parli.
Cathy and Sandy Berman were beloved long-time coaches here at El Cerrito, who dedicated themselves to forensic education both at El Cerrito and in the larger community, and led the ECHS team to competitive success over many years. This tournament is dedicated to them.
We plan to offer novice and varsity divisions in all events, but reserve the right to collapse divisions based on entries. Novice is defined as the first year of competition in debate (for parli) and first year of competition in IEs (for IEs).
Parli Rules/Flextime!
Internet and partner prep. Except as noted (e.g. flextime), we will follow NPDL online round rules.
The tournament will use flextime, as follows:
PMC: a 5-minute constructive speech given by the first Government speaker
Opp flex: 2-minute flex time controlled by the Opposition
LOC: a 7-minute constructive speech given by the first Opposition speaker
Gov flex: 2-minute flex time controlled by the Government
MG: a 7-minute constructive given by the second Government speaker
Opp Flex: 1-minute flex time controlled by the Opposition
MO: a 9-minute speech given by the second Opposition speaker. No new arguments in final 3 minutes.
Gov flex: 1-minute flex time controlled by the Government
PMR: a 4-minute rebuttal given by the first Government speaker
Flex time may be used by the controlling team to prepare arguments, have the two partners talk to each other, and/or cross-examine the other team. In the case of cross-examination, either partner may ask/answer questions.
No Points of Information allowed. Points of Order allowed in PMR and the final 3 minutes of MO. Debaters are allowed to make new responses if it is their first opportunity to do so.
One parli judge covers 2 teams. One IE judge covers 5 entries. Or rent a judge for $70/team.
$20 school fee. IE entries are $15 each. Parli entries are $40 for novice and $45 for open. Please make all adds and drops by January 18 at 5 pm. You will still be able to make changes and drops on-line after that, but you will be charged $25 for late adds, and drops will be non-refundable.
Talk to us if the above fees are an obstacle to attending for you. Fee waivers are available based on need.
We encourage you to eat the food in your house during breaks.
We look forward to seeing you in January!
Joel Jacobs, Tournament Director
And El Cerrito Speech and Debate
Tournament url: http://echs.tabroom.com