Sun Devil Invitational

2012 — AZ/US

The tournament invitation is now ready and posted on the right side.


1. We’re cheap! Flights to Phoenix are abundant and low-cost. The hotels are inexpensive, we charge only $50 per team.

2. We’re easy! The airport is 10 minutes from campus, the hotel is less than a 10 minute walk from the debates, food is directly across the street from the building you will debate in and the hotel.

3. We’re beautiful! Well… the campus is at least. And with an average temperature around 80 degrees in late October, the weather is gorgeous!

4. Arizona Fall League baseball – Tickets are typically $5-7 and the stadiums are deserted except for scouts. Every team sends 6-8 players that are on the verge of the big leagues.

5. No charge for food - great food options abound very close by. The tournament is hosted within moments of virtually all the food in Tempe, with a ton of great local and chain options readily walkable.

6. 8 prelims if we can get enough entries.