Idaho Gem of the Mountain District Tournament
2020 — US
Idaho Gem of the Mountain District Qualifier
for the 2020 National Tournament
Welcome to the 2020 NSDA Idaho Gem of the Mountains Districts Tournament. We are excited and honored to host you at Renaissance HS on Thursday, February 13 and Centennial HS on Friday and Saturday, February 14 and 15. On February 13, at Renaissance, we will offer Congressional Debate (Senate and House). Speech and debate events (Inform, Oratory, International Extemp, US Extemp, Humorous Interp, Dramatic Interp, Duo Interp, and POI, with LD, PF, Policy, and Big Questions) will be at Centennial High on Friday and Saturday, February 14 and 15.
Speech will begin on Friday afternoon and Debate Saturday. In speech, all events will have 3 preliminary rounds plus the appropriate number of break rounds. In LD, PF, Policy, and Big Questions, there will be 4 preliminary rounds plus the appropriate number of elimination rounds. In Congressional Debate, there will a Senate seated as well as the appropriate number of House chambers and they will compete for the minimum required amount of time determined by the NSDA. Please see the Tournament Format and pilot rules section of this invitation for more details.
Remember, all competitors must be NSDA registered members. Each school must be up to date on their NSDA account in order to participate.
Entry limits have been set by the NSDA so please consult their website to determine entry limits in each event and to check your limit in each event on the points application page on your NSDA profile.
If you have any questions, please contact District Chair Donnie Drobny at Donald.drobny@boiseschools,org. The additional district committee members are Kara Smith, Kristen Drew, Kyra Mauney, and Jeff Stoppenhagen. Please feel free to contact any of the committee with questions or concerns. Our thanks to Kyra Mauney (Renaissance HS) and Paul Montreuil (Centennial HS) for agreeing to host us this year!
Best regards,
Donnie Drobny, Chair
Idaho Gem of the Mountains District