Shady Side Academy

2019 — Pittsburgh, PA/US

A few final details for the Nov. 23 tournament at Shady Side Academy Senior School. 423 Fox Chapel Rd.  Pgh 15238

1. Please call in or text any drops on your way to the event.  412-874-9310

2. Checks should be made payable to : Shady Side Academy  Write "speech and debate" on the memo line. Lunch tickets are $5 and include: pizza, chips, cookies, veggies and a drink.  Snacks sold in the Rowe Hall Student Center and the Science Building Commons area.

3. Registration: 7:15am-8am in Rowe Hall, the first building on the right. Enter Rowe closest to the flag pole. 

4. Bus: drop off students at the top of the road on campus at the flagpole. Park buses in the parking lot behind the Hillman Performing Arts building. Cars should park in the lot on the left side of the road after entering campus.

5. Initial meetings for competitors and judges at 8am. Speech competitors and judges meet in the McIlroy Science Center Commons. Debate and Congress competitors and judges meet in Memorial Hall, first floor Rowe Hall.

6. Extemp competitors:  8am report to the third floor Rowe 310. Topics: Politics (US), International Trade, Sports (US), Middle East, 

7. Judges' Room: first floor Rowe Hall; Tabroom: first floor Rowe Hall

8. If you have any issues or questions before or during a round, TEXT the Google #: 412-376-3490. Include the event, the room number and the issue. Tabroom will respond.

9. WIFI info:  "Shady Side Wireless."   The password is: magnum15238

Awards in the Rauh Theater, Hillman Performing Arts building.  2:45pm